
Full Name: Keane Euodias
Pronunciation: Keen (As shown) Eu (Pronouncing 'yu' without the 'y sound') d (lower case) ass (as shown)
Nickname(s): n/a
Species: Elementian (Guardian Element: Fire)
Sex: Male
Age: 20

Build: Average-Strong. More upper body strength than lower.
Skin: 'white'
Hair: Takes a spiky-like appearance. Colour is a light orange.
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Scars: n/a
Birthmarks: n/a
Clothing: (Reference isn't up-to-date with this info) Keane's Knight armour is that of a lightweight footsoldier, which is common uniform for low rank Curatorian knights. The armour consists of a full body suit of chainmail with a chestplate over the torso area. The hands and feet are covered with steel gauntlets and boots. In combat, Keane also has a moderate helmet. (Similar to this:… )

Class: Soldier
Element: Fire
- Swordcraft - Keane has unmentored experience of using a single handed sword. He has yet to gain real experience however.
- Basic Fire Magic - Keane, while not so experienced in magic, is able to use the power of fire at close quarters.

- High Spirited - Keane has a strong spirit, which makes his drive for success strong. It is difficult for keane to give in to the challenges he is faced with.
- Strong melee fighter - Keane has chosen the road of a warrior, which makes keane more capable in melee combat.
- Resistance to Fire - Keane's Guardian Element allows him to resist the power of fire

- Vulnerability to Water - Keane's Guardian Element results in his resistance to the power of water to drop.
- Weak Magic Fighter - Keane isn't capable of much in magic combat, as he isn't experienced in the art. His mana pool doesn't help much either.
- Cavalry/Equines - A fear that has developed in his life has left keane unable to engage in combat against Cavalry. In the wilds, Keane doesn't wish to cross path with wild Equines (More specifically, Unicorns).

(To be updated)

Keane is an adventurous elementian, looking for new experiences in his journey to become a better Curatorian; High Spirited and determined. While he acts with haste, and doesn't know much about the world outside of his homeland, his intentions are for the better. He likes to see his circle of friends as a massive family, which also includes his older brother. His emotions are sensitive, which could result in favourable or hindering senarios.

Likes: (to be decided)

Dislikes: (to be decided)

(To be updated)
- Social Interaction - He likes to be talking with people, and is happy to meet new people.
- Training - Aiming to become a great knight, he spends his time alone honing his swordcraft.

- Equinophobia (Fear of Horses) - An injury, caused by a frightened horse, has caused Keane to develop a fear of horses and all their related species (Pegasi, Unicorns ETC)

Pet Peeves:
(To be decided)

Family: (All to be named) An older brother, A Father, A Mother.
Friends: Vidal, Eleanor
Pets: n/a
Relationship Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Education: No formal Eduction
Occupation: Curatorian Knight

(to be remade)