


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Autumn Riddell





Birth Date

September 22nd



Hair Color


Eye Color

Dark Blue






Significant Other

Vlad Sandsomes (deceased); Craig Tawby


Nationality: German

Affiliation: The Black Order

Innocence Type: Equipment; a crossbow

Innocence Name: der Atem des Herbstes

Innocence Abilities: Can generate arrows made of Innocence onto her crossbow and fires them at will.

Synchronization Rate: 68%

Division of Black Order: Kloud Nine

Family: Deceased father, estranged mother


Because she was born a girl, Autumn’s parents were constantly disappointed with her in anything she tried to do. She was never good enough for them, mainly her father who ran a very patriarchal household. Her mother only did and said what pleased her husband. Though he didn’t physically abuse her, he very rarely acknowledged her presence. Close to her fifteenth birthday, Autumn’s father died of a stroke.

In complete despair, her mother took Autumn to the graveyard on the evening before her fifteenth birthday, and the Millennium Earl was waiting for them. Her mother brought her father back to life, but he was angry at his wife for doing such a thing, and he tried taking it out of his daughter. Autumn tried running away, but tripped over a root and fell. As she was about to be killed, she closed her eyes tightly and grabbed an arrow that someone had placed as a grave gift, swinging her arm to try and stab him. The arrow glowed green (which she later learned was from her Innocence activating), and the blow was enough to kill him as he was only in the skeletal state. Devastated, her mother began screaming at her, saying she was an ungrateful child who didn’t deserve to be her daughter. Her mother left her there in the graveyard, a shattered girl. Ever since then, Autumn has felt that the sin she committed by killing the skeletal monster her father’s soul resided in, she felt as if she was ‘cursed.’ While she was sitting against the tomb where she killed her father, an older man entered and walked over to her. He took her away from that place and received orders she was to be trained under Klaud Nine. During the three weeks she was travelling with Tiedoll to find Klaud, he managed to get her to open up a little, and she thought of him as the father she wished she had. Klaud also became a mother-like figure to her, though the woman could be hard at times. She never quite got over the years of emotional abuse that built up from childhood, but she began opening up to Tiedoll, who she was excited to see on the rare occasions he stopped by the Order, and Klaud, thinking of them as the father and mother she wished she had. She had never seen or heard from her mother again.

Relationships with Vlad and Craig:

At the Order, Autumn made several friends, including Rose Sandsomes. She also fell in love with Rose’s older brother Vlad, and she was content with her life, even if she had to go on dangerous missions and such. However, everything changed after the Ark and with the Invasion. Vlad was turned into a Skull, and Autumn felt her world shattering around her as she watched friends and comrades fall to the ground injured or lifeless. Soon after everything happened and Lulubell retreated, Autumn ran.

While out on her own traveling around, she came across a man by the name of Craig Tawby. It was soon learned he was a Soul Seller. However, before she finally decided to return to the Order, she left an impression on him. She felt incredibly guilty by running away, and worked harder than ever to gain her friends’ forgiveness and make it up to them, especially Rose. When Craig eventually comes to the Order, it takes Autumn a really long time to accept the feelings she has for him because she doesn’t want to feel like she’s forgetting what she and Vlad had together.


After she returns, she's rather quiet and keeps to herself. She cares about her friends greatly and would die to protect them. Sometimes she doesn't like to talk about her problems, saying they're not important compared to the war.


  •  Autumn rarely opened up about her past once she reached the Order. She wanted to keep her past behind her and focus on trying to move forward with her life. She can probably count the number of people she's told on one hand.
  • Before Vlad's death, Autumn always hoped that they would one day get married.
  • Though she tries not to let it show, she gets panicky about Craig's well-being because she's scared he's going to die too and leave her all alone again.
  • Autumn sucks at crafts.