Harbor's Comments

Ooo, I gotta try out for them! Ty for the chance ^o^ 

I've got a world that deals with tribes of Elemental guardians, all of which represent a force of nature, like fire, sky, earth. Harbor is a Sea elemental, and would serve as an Overseer of the world's largest ocean, the Hyumner Ocean. Most of Harbor's subjects are not elementals, ranging from plankton and fish to the occasional sea serpent. Unfortunatly for Harbor and their subjects, the Hyumner Ocean happens to border the continent the Elementals simply refer to as the Waste due to the grand-scale wars that take place for its resources. The faint of heart don't dare tread there, and for good reason: the current head honcho of the Waste is Ebony , who would gladly take out any that so much as imply a challenge. With that in mind, Harbor's constantly under the pressure to prevent Ebony from expanding into the ocean. Harbor, a draconic creature, is no stranger to violence but prefers diplomacy, which repeatedly seems to fail for them.

Harbor takes on the persona of this cool and calculated leader in front of their people. While they do genuinely have these traits, they often feel the need to exaggerate this to avoid signs of weakness. Harbor was forced to take on the throne as a young dragonet due to a civil war that saw the rulers and more fitting heirs assassinated, which they quickly quelled. Ever since the day they found out their parents had perished, weakness is death, and they're becoming increasingly paranoid that their own weakness could spell doom for the whole ocean. Harbor, at the end of the day, sees their people as the first priority and would gladly sacrifice themself if need be. At the moment, Harbor and Ebony have a relatively tense peace, but if war broke out, Harbor would be on the front lines right alongside their people. 

Their abilities are rather numerous. Like any elemental, Harbor is able to shapeshift into whatever form they choose, but at the cost of retaining one easily recognizable trait, typically the eyes. Elementals are completely immune to disease and old age, but can still die. Harbor and all Sea Elementals can talk with marine animals and not only cannot drown, but are also very adept in the water in general. Harbor's horn, underside, eyes and tail are bioluminescent, but Harbor can see in the dark. Being a royal, their magic is rather powerful for an elemental, hence why Harbor can summon and destroy water at will in any state of matter they choose. Such power requires some degree of creativity, but when in doubt creating and hurling ice shards works wonders in a fight. 

Harbor isn't one for friends or socializing, and has attended a grand total of 3 balls, all before they took the throne. But Harbor finds friendship in an unlikely person- Chris, an average denizen of the Waste who is quite terrified of the ocean. Harbor and Chris met completely by accident, as Harbor decided to see if they could spy on Ebony from a distance. Harbor wasn't quite sure what to make of the fellow- constantly on edge over everything, constantly talking about how his large family drove him up the wall. That second one got to him, as Harbor assumed that even an odd family would surely be an improvement for no close family. Sure, Harbor had distant aunts and cousins, but they were all distant and scared of him. Regardless, Harbor's curiosity got the better of him and they formed a friendship. Of course, the sea dragon used his shapeshifting abilities to a more seemly form, as his clearly royal frame would cause lots of attention. Chris took it as well as he could have, although he still refuses to go inside the ocean for reasons that Harbor will find out later.

Hi thanks for entering but I chose a different entry!

My WTA for this character! Thank you for the opportunity!

I'd like to incorporate Harbor into the world lore I have for my ocs Rhael and Jaeha. For context (and because I've yet to write the full lore), Rhael is abandoned after marrying the kings of Shilla after using her, secretly offering her up to the "Emperor" to pacify the storms and seas. The kingdom of Shilla had this pact with this mysterious creature to bless them for safe sails and beautiful weather. If they don't offer up a human offering, he will wreck havoc on villager per night until he's satisfied. The Emperor sought to give Rhael a second chance and thus allowed her to be a living vessel of his wife's soul and power Isadora, a mighty Leviathan and empress of the seas, alpha to all living sea creatures. 

Harbor can take on the role as a long living cousin and advisor to Isadora; though small in stature, Harbor is stealthy and nimble, while also being very quick-witted. If anyone is a messenger it'd be Habor themself to deliver important messages and scouting reports without worrying about being caught. Despite being a wingless and furry dragon, their fur is slick enough to allow them to skate through waters rapidly and avoid being cluthced onto other creeping claws of others. The ends of their fur and horns gives Harbor the ability to see in the dark and focus their senses to detect nearby threats or find their companions. Harbor is not strong enough to personify into a humanoid figure compared to the powerful Isadora but has telepathic communication and the ability to perceive and emphathize. A part of Isadora's reign was supported by Harbor detecting her enemies which allowed Isadora's state to come into power of the great seas.

Harbor was a little bit cautious, nervous and resentful that the Emperor allowed a mere human girl to absord their cousin's soul and power without any prerequisite to acquire it, but being trusted with the role to guide the new sea empress allowed Harbor to warm up to Rhael. They have a bittersweet but loving relationship with each other. If Rhael had doubts of approching the Emperor with questions she'd depend on the little messenger to help her.