


5 years, 6 months ago


Full Name: Conrad King

Alias(es): Chaos Theory (band name)

Age/Birthday: 26 / November 30

Zodiac: Sun Sagittarius // Moon Aquarius // Ascending Gemini // Water Monkey

Voiceclaim: Patrick Stump

Species: Human

Race/Ethnicity: Mixed Afro-Caribbean/Southeast Asian/White ;  Bajan/Vietnamese/French Canadian

Build: chubby, but with muscle clearly built underneath

Height: 5'10

Skin color: medium brown

Hair color: Dark Blue (naturally black)

Eye color: Hazel

Body mods: handful of ear piercings, full sleeve tattoos on upper arms

Gender: cisgender man

Pronouns: he/him

Orientation: Bisexual, with preference for men. 

Relationship Status: taken, not public

Partner(s): Taffy

Location/Residence: owns 3 apartments, one in Chicago (loft), one in New York (1 bedroom), one in Miami (2 bedroom). He's often on tour or recording, so he sublets whatever apartments he's not currently staying at.

Family: father (deceased), mother and stepfather, 2 younger half-siblings (brother and sister, 5 and 6 years younger) and an older brother (3 years older)

Occupation: singer/songwriter/guitarist for Chaos Theory

Education: college dropout (music composition major)

Abilities/Talents: can play piano/guitar/ukelele/trumpet, pretty damn good ice hockey player (was on both high school and college teams), 

Languages: English (fluent), Vietnamese (conversational only), Canadian French (mostly fluent)

Powers: n/a

> super laid back and friendly. kind of dudebro-y?
> very kind and somewhat naive, the opposite of what he comes off as in a lot of lyrics
> still not really used to the limelight despite having been in it for years now
> his buttons aren't easily pushed, and he seems pretty level headed most of the time, but his temper goes quickly when someone knows how to really get at him. this doesn't happen often, though.

+ Music/performing. Conrad genuinely enjoys music and sharing it with others. He's glad so many people like it but honestly he'd do it anyways. His band classifies as 'pop-punk', but he also loves grunge, classic rock, reggae, and hardcore punk. At one point, he had a ska phase. We don't talk about that. His favorite band is the Ramones.
+ Ice Hockey! Conrad grew up watching hockey games with his family, sometimes seeing them while visiting extended family. He also played hockey in school, and is a damn good defenceman.
+ Fall/winter months. Conrad always preferred colder months to warmer ones, and all the fun hot flavored drinks that come with them. He also
+ Alcohol/Marijuana. When they were first starting out, college guys that they were, the original band members would take a shot together before every show, and usually a lot more afterwards. He's toned it down since then, since he's clearly not in college anymore, but it can help him relax or jumpstart his creative process.
+ Tattoos! Conrads upper arms are covered in tattoos, and he plans to get more in the future. He hasn't had enough time to book long tattooing sessions recently, but hopefully soon.
+ His fans!! He makes a point to make every fans experience as positive as possible. It's still hard for him to believe that he means so much to so many people, but he tries to keep in mind what his favorite bands meant and still mean to him.
+ His favorite movies are 4th Man Out, Wall-E, Godzilla: Final Wars, and Black Panther. He took his little siblings to the Black Panther premiere in their hometown.
+ Video games! Conrad is a huge pokemon fan!! His favorite pokemon is Blastoise, his first starter. He's also a long time fan of the Street Fighter series. His favorite characters are Sagat, Charlie, and Rainbow Mika. He plays a lot of games, but those are his two favorite series.

- Paparazzi or people generally being invasive in his private life. He's made public comments about his privacy being invaded multiple times, especially with reference to people questioning about his love life. He was more sensitive about this before he came out especially, but it still upsets him.
- His brother's favorite hockey team (mostly teasingly but also their respective favorite NHL teams are legitimately rivals).
- Hazing!!! That shit sucked. It's also extremely fucked up for a lot of reasons. The hazing he went through in school wasn't the worst, but it definitely wasn't fun neither. He's been publicly vocal about this kind of thing in the past.
- I'll put more here later but there's not much else he really outright doesnt like?

> One of his sound techs recently got Conrad wrapped up into their dungeons and dragons campaign. He doesn't entirely understand the game all that well, but it's a good way for him and some of the crew to have fun together on the road.
> Conrad still keeps up with [home/family hockey team] and talks to his family during hockey season. More than once he's gotten in a public twitter debacle with his older brother about hockey teams.
> Conrad plays a lot of video games while on tour, mostly handheld games. 

> Conrad's older brother plays hockey professionally in the AHL, having been drafted around the same time as Conrad's band was starting to gain traction. Much to fan speculation, the events are completely unrelated. Talent just runs in the family, it seems. It also meant that the family was bombarded with two spotlights around roughly the same time.
> Conrad currently has a partner, but not one that he's been seen dating publicly, so there's been a number of rumors about secret partners he could have.
> Conrad has been out of the closet publicly for 3 years as bisexual. He hasn't got to as of yet, but at some point he wants to play for a pride festival or event.