
5 years, 7 months ago



"A pleasing melody is enough to fix a broken heart."

  •  Name   Echo Fumi
  •  Age   19 
  •  Height   6'0" 
  •  Occupation   Singer/Songwriter 
  •  Sexuality   Pansexual
  •  Personality 
    Echo is a sweet and gentle young man who enjoys anything from singing, to dancing, to stargazing. As a Cirian who was born with heterochromia and the cheek marks what a Dream Weaver possesses, he was treated differently from the start. As of right now, he is the only half demon living in Cirius in the Cybernexus biome. Due to being only half demon, he doesn't hold many powers and isn't considered a full dream demon. However, he can still use his powers to enter the dreams of others, whether they're daydreams or normal dreams, he can read them and he usually uses such as song inspiration. He is also able to grow roses from the little wristband he possesses, which he uses to give flowers to those he cares about, his fans, and to make little flower crowns for himself. he cares very, very much about his fans and their wellbeing, often hosting charity concerts and fan meetups to check in on them and help out. 
  • Echo can be a workaholic as well. He can sometimes be seen staying up till all hours of the night for multiple nights at once, walking in the dreams of others and song writing. He is incredibly passionate about his work and believes that even the most beautiful, pleasing melody can mend anything. And if that melody is not made, he will be the first to do so. Although, with his workaholic nature and constant wanting to look after and please others, he can sometimes be found sleeping and lazing around whenever his body needs rest, and he barely gives himself the time to worry about his own wellbeing. 
  •  Likes   song writing, Stargazing, Pastel colors, charities, demons  

  •  Dislikes  greedy people, harsh sunlight, darker colors, cheesy rom coms  
  •  Backstory 
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Proin blandit justo augue, ac varius nunc vulputate vel. Vestibulum eu nunc id dolor ultricies placerat aliquam blandit urna. Vestibulum libero massa, pretium non ante et, tempus feugiat est. Phasellus vehicula ullamcorper ipsum in feugiat.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.
  •  Question 

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.
  •  Question 

    Integer eu rutrum tellus. Nulla facilisis neque eu massa rutrum, nec consectetur arcu bibendum. Nullam feugiat libero eu massa commodo volutpat.
  •  Question 

    Aenean vulputate efficitur lacus, at feugiat orci sodales porta. Donec vulputate accumsan orci, at tempor ante mollis vitae. Vivamus accumsan dapibus sodales. Aenean dignissim turpis eget risus eleifend, et congue arcu mattis.
  •  Question 

    Etiam auctor nibh semper nunc aliquam, et facilisis felis sodales. Proin vel volutpat augue. Donec suscipit mollis gravida. Sed vel lectus a justo sodales posuere.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
    • ● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
    • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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