
5 years, 7 months ago


Vibrant and kind, she has a noble spirit and treats everyone as equals, she also often question peoples motivations and tries to understand them (even tho most would think those people doesn't deserve it, but Ethel is known for making rough and brute bandits see their mistakes and they often go back to their homes to begin life anew with a honest job) Ethel never sees the outside of people and she knows life can be really cruel with some people, because she saw how harsh it was for herself, the difference is that she always had kind people around her, great true friends who helped her stand up even when she thought it would be impossible. And now, she wants to be the light for those people so they can feel they are not alone.

Ethel takes relationships pretty seriously and she tries to visit all the people she helped regularly and it makes her happy to see how their life changed a lot!

In battle Ethel can mix magic and physical attacks (she is more fond of magic but she can hold her own even if she is under a silencer spell and can't summon any kind of magics)