


5 years, 6 months ago



Matilda, Girl, Tea Lover






Submarine Driver

Energizer (5/0/2)





Matilda is a Submarine Driver, and a current Leader, who arrived at Nexus City from far away. Though she has not been at the City for very long compared to the others, she has found herself able to fit in very well! She quite likes it, being at Nexus City, alongside all of her new friends. She also seems to quite enjoy fighting the Bloons, as well as spending time with her Submarine.

Despite being the first ever female Leader, everyone else seemed to accept her right away, and now she's friends with most of the others. She seems to especially like the Engineers, as well as the Helicopter Pilot and Ace Pilots. The Leaders of the three vehicle groups seem to be very good friends.









  • Swimming
  • Submarines
  • Danger
  • Exploring
  • Tea


  • The Bloons
  • Dennis
  • School
  • People who don't listen
  • Leo, mildly

Matilda is normally quite kind, and she does care a lot about other people. She is normally quite a social person, and enjoys talking to others, but she does secretly enjoy the alone time she can get as well. She’s incredibly polite, even when annoyed, and will only truly get angry when people push her past her limits. She seemed pretty able to ignore it, when others commented on how she was the first female Leader, not really caring because it didn't matter to her. And, besides, she proved that girls can be just as strong as boys, if not stronger! She sees herself as a very important person in relation to the other Leaders, but like uh maybe don't insult her or anything because she has snapped many rulers from her anger.



Matila hails from a City known as Education City (84 Tiles away from Nexus City), one where school was important and good grades were everything. Luckily for her, she was the perfect student, always doing everything she could to make sure that her grades remained perfect. She lived with her parents, they were close to the school so she could walk every day, and during those walks she usually met up with her friend, a slightly older monkey known as Horace who happened to really hate school. One day, she saw him 'walking' to school alone, though she grew suspicious so she decided to follow him to see what was up. Matilda ends up pulling him into an alleyway, to keep them hidden from the Police who patrolled the City, and that was where she questions him about what he was doing. She discovers that he intending on skipping school, primarily because he hated the swimming lessons that were happening that day.

The two find a cover for the underground tunnels in the alleyway and proceed to open it, with help from Matilda who happened to have a screwdriver in her backpack, they go down (leaving it open) and find a path to just outside the City Walls, a place that neither of them had ever been before. They walk for a while, only crossing about 4 or 5 tiles before coming up to a mountain where the decide to climb up to get over (rather than going round it for... Some odd reason), until they end up stuck in a cave where they were going to take shelter because it was getting cold. All of a sudden, a bunch of snow fell and blocked them in. They would have been stuck with no food if Matilda didn't happen to have a packed lunch (she pretends that she's allergic to the school-made food, because it's pretty horrible).

Jobs and Escapes

Several hours passed before they were luckily found, because of a group lead by Matilda's parents, and they returned to Education City where Horace's parents were sent to jail because of how many times he had missed school. They didn't go to school that day, and stayed at home until the next day, which happened to be a Friday. Their first shared lesson that day was Sports, where they were picked for separate teams on dodge ball, and Matilda FINALLY gets to show her skills during it. After the lesson, Matilda suggests to Horace that they join the Sub Army despite the fact that he could not swim and he had bad grades, and they go to the Sub Base at lunch (with permission at the front desk) to ask about it, somehow both getting accepted, and then they return to school to finish that.

When it becomes Saturday, they head to the Sub Base slightly early, and go to spend some time at the Arcade while they wait, though Matilda decides to go and explore because she was curious about the place, and also because there was a mysterious door that was only there to protect everyone from what apparently was some 'radiation' from something, even though approaching the door made it obvious that it probably wasn't that safe anyway. Upon finding this out, she returns to the Arcade to find Horace, and then she plays a rigged game and uses a modified coin to win the jackpot, this forces her to wait there until it was done when a meeting gets called, as the Sub Base was being contacted by Education City's main threat, the ZOMG Bloon. When she finally gets all 999 Tickets, she goes to find out what was happening, and sees that they were being threatened (despite the fact that Education City was easily protected against the ZOMG because of the Old Sub Captain who lived there. Matilda and Horace set off to find him, convince him to come back to the Sub Base to help them out, and then he uses the Submarine that, at that time, only he knew the controls for. The current Sub Captain then decides to show them what was behind the door, a (radioactive) Submarine that could apparently submerge, but that everyone else was too scared to test for whatever reason. Because they were brave, the two decide that they'd help test it out, and so they find that the area it was in was 30ft deep. They return to the surface to let the Sub Captain know, and then they leave for the day.

The two actually did their new jobs (as well as go to School when they had to) properly for several Weeks, until Horace finally suggested that they steal the two Submarines and leave Education City to actually explore the rest of the world. Matilda decided to accept, just because she was curious as to what everywhere else was like, and so they go and do that, angering just about everyone in Education City as a result. Things go fine for them at the start, but then they get spotted by the ZOMG, who proceeds to attack them and damage the Submarine that Horace had stolen, the one that could destroy it (the ZOMG). Matilda remained in the submerged Submarine for most of the fight that happened afterwards, so she never actually saw what happened, but when she resurfaced she saw the destroyed ZOMG and a bunch of other monkeys who were definitely from a different City, and all with their own equipment as well.

The one who seemed to be the Leader of that group introduced himself first, as Luther, and then the other members of the group do. Scotty, Percy, Jordan, Tyler (who had fixed the broken Submarine), Marlin and Kareem. The two decide to join the group in going back to their City, which happened to be Nexus City. They meet King Nexus, his son Terrence, Roger and Gilbert, two Engineers who happened to be from Eye City, and a few others who were part of the friend group. The only reason that Matilda decided to stay was because she knew that the two would never be accepted back at Education City now that they had stolen the main defence, and she had also missed several days of school, something that the King never wanted ANYONE to miss. Ever. At least at Nexus City, the King, despite being a little bit crazy, didn't force everyone to go to school every day. Plus, she would become a 'Leader', someone who was the best in a certain Class (RPG-Style, not Lesson-Style) and who would help teach anyone how to fight as long as they were in the same Class as her.

Nexus City

Their lives go on as normal as ones life could be at Nexus City, with there being Meetings held every so often, and with the Scientist Monkey making random new inventions (that always fail) at least once every Month, lessons are taught to Students nearly every day, and occasionally they'd be attacked by the Bloons. Matilda would regularly stay back at the City, unless she felt that whoever was going out would need support, and she spent a lot of time around her Submarine, the one which still leaked radiation (which luckily wasn't as bad as it could have been, since it was sorted before she left Education City), though she still enjoyed doing dangerous things and would sometimes try to make situations more dangerous for everyone just because she found that fun. She also uses her natural strength to help hold Horace back whenever someone provokes him, as she's the only one who is able to stop him from trying to kill anyone else. When there becomes a serious attack just outside the city, she doesn't take part because it was nowhere near water, so she doesn't actually know what happened, though after that she does start wielding a set of Dual Pistols for just in-case an Attack happens and she's not at her Submarine, just so she isn't totally useless. Not even a week afterwards, Luther finally nearly kills one of the other Leaders (Dennis, but nobody really liked him) after an argument during a meeting, which she wasn't able to stop in time.

Afterwards, it was finally decided that each Class (aside from three) would get to have a third Leader. The third Submarine Leader was found after a Lesson taught by Horace, when one of the Students stayed back at the Docks to finish a project they had. This Student, Leo, was the only one who would pay attention during class, and who always got insulted by the other Students. Matilda wasn't sure if he'd be a good Leader, because he appeared to be scared of everything, but she let him join anyway. Two weeks later, an Alcohol Party Showcase is held, which Matilda goes to because all the Leaders were going. Nearly everything gets destroyed because of some kid who wanted to seem cool, and she realised that she wouldn't be able to stop anyone from being harmed too much so she just leaves to avoid seeing what happens.


  • Always wears her hat! People don't realise that she can remove it, actually.
  • Thanks to her submarine, she is slightly radioactive herself. She glows faintly and it can be mildly dangerous to stay too close to her for too long. She does not notice this.
  • In line with the previous, she is also immune to any forms of radiation. It will not harm her.
  • She's great at making tea! Tea parties for everyone, yes.
  • It's a secret, but she takes a while every day making sure her hair looks nice. It can be difficult, but she manages it.
  • Yep, Matilda owns some pistols. Which she duel wields. They only ever get used against Bloons, though, and only if she can't be in her Submarine for whatever reason.


Horace Best Friend

Her fellow Leader, the grump known as Horace. She's one of the only people who knows how to calm him down, and she appears to quite like him. Probably because they've been friends since childhood.

Leo Friend

They're somewhat friends, after he became a Leader she decided to lighten up on him. Now she is quite protective of him, getting angry at others if they even dare to make him sad. So, uh, be careful.

Luther Friend

He's friends with Horace, so she's friends with him as well! That's what that means, yes. Despite the fact that Luther is normally very mean and grumpy, Matilda doesn't mind him being around, yeayea. In fact, she likes him being around sometimes, as long as he isn't attempting to fight people, he's actually quite nice. At least, that's what Matilda thinks, anyway.