


5 years, 7 months ago


I'm sorry to bother you....But would you like to try a cupcake? I-I made it myself....





20-23? (Unknown)




??? September 5?








Neutral Good









Mossy stone after rain~




Wolf dog




"Blah Blah Blah"



He is clearly... an Eccentric looking fellow, but in fact he is simple child. He Loves to bake a lot and loves to try different recipes and make his own! He was first introduced to baking when he was very young by his adoptive father who was always baking in his spare time. He always enjoyed to bake since it used be something he would always do with his dad....but now it serves as a reminder for all the good times him and his father. Where Calypso used to live others would usually avoid Calypso and his father because of Calypso's appearance. Others also criticized his father for taking in Calypso, but he paid no mind to others. Sadly this did not rub off on Calypso and he always tries to make new friends usually by baking cause his appearance isn't what matters when it comes to baking, but he was always still so self-consious. Which is another reason he has such a passion for baking. He also hopes he can one day become a fatherly figure and either have his own child or be a mentor to another child



Positive traits

  • Incredibly Kind
  • Protective
  • Compassionate

Negative traits

  • Se;f-Consious
  • Impulsive
  • Resting B**ch Face

He Is a very quiet and stern looking Gemsun who doesn't always look approachable but once you get talking to him His demeanor is MUCH more freindly! He also likes to self doubt himself and his own decisions most of the time. He is also severly socially anxious and hates being around big crowds of people and perfers to be in small gatherings with friends at his home rather then go out to crowded and popular locations XD And he is OBSESSED with plushies and has a secret collection hidden in his home.


Calypso is very much a baker and loves making all sorts of things! He currently is working at a bakery and has made some friends with his Co-workers and people who has the same interests! Especially with the Gems who love to try his new recipies and uses them as Guinea pigs. He's also loving where he is at the moment but likes to stay hidden in the kitchen where he canb make all sorts of seets and snacks without others having to look at them whilst he does his thing. One of the exceptions is Blossom who he will ALWAYS make smething for her if she desires! He also dreams of starting a family with a special someone one day and have some younglings!

"How it started"

Calypso was found relatively young by his father on some back ally street and his father (Stephaun) Saw him and felt the need to take this guy in. His father had been running his Bakery for a couple of years now and his eldest daughter had run away YEARS prior and hasn't been seen since. Although most thought that Calypso was just a step in for Stephaun definetly slowly grew to love him Very dearly and thought of him as his own son. Calypso was named after a long departed good friend of his father and also grew to inherit both of their favorite hobbies! Baking!!

Calypso lived with his fatrher for a couple years and he noticed very clearly how the people around himmhad treated him compared to the other gems including his father. This of course didn't help him overcome hgis faer of being around other people giving how he started his way in this world was rough on him. His father alwaysd tried to include him in many activities with others but never did it ever go well....that is except for baking. Calypso always felt he could be himself with no shame when he baked because no matter what he looked like He could still bake! Bake many delicious sweets and snacks to his hearts content. The other customers who were always wary of Calypso LOVED his baking even though none of them knew it was not stephaun who baked the goods.

As the years went on he continued to bake with his father and even took over the bakery and managed the shop with all of it's staff. Making good friends with the new Manager Farin! Soon enough though an accident happed with his father and it led to the end of Calypso's time with his father. Calypso definetly was never the same after that....A piece of him died with his father and that he would not get back for a while. He even set off to live elsewhere so he could not be reminded of his father and left the shop to be managed by Farin in his absence. He even quit baking for a while but....Then he discovered a peculiar bake shop...and the special people working at this one. bakery... and thats where he is now...



Good Friend

Blossom is the one who is always trying Calypso's new recipes! She is always willing to try some sweets and snacks!

Character name


A REALLY small description. Use just a few sentances here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.

Character name


A REALLY small description. Use just a few sentances here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.