Kimchi's Comments

I'll take them for the $5 unless there is someone you'd like here

You can DM me the paypal info to send payment if you like^^

oof i forgot i had them listed at 5€, i’m super sorry but i’m no longer interested in selling them for that price :((

You're fine. and that's not a problem how much were you thinking you'd want for them if you're still interested in selling them. If not I completely understand their design is super cute hehe^^

Tbh I’m not sure ^^;; spiders have a sweet spot in my heart.. maybe 10+ dollars? You’re free to make another offer if u want to !

Same here they really are super cute^^ I could do $10 now, but if you don't wanna part with them I completely understand.

I would be happy to adopt them now though, but want to say if you need time to think on if you want to keep them or not I understand. I don't want to rush you into selling them if you don't wanna part with them.

I decided to part ways with her. You can find my paypal on my profile! Lmk when you’ll send the payment

3 Replies

I’d love to offer a character or two ^^ only one off limits is Plushie

hi, sorry but I'm not interested :(

Okay :)