Chime Knell (Mordecai)



4 years, 11 months ago



Chime’s mischievous pet demon. It likes to ride on her shoulders or hides in her cape. 

Basic information 

Full name: Mordecai

Nickname:  Mordi

Birthday: N/A

Species: Demon

Gender: Genderless it/they

Height: 1 foot 2

Sexuality: N/A

Languages spoken: None


Likes: Chime, darkness, fire, magic

Dislikes: Bright light, flashy colours, loud noises, cats


Mordecai is extremely skittish. It will run and hide at the first sign of danger. If it hears a loud noise, it will often respond with an even louder screech in hopes of scaring the “danger” away. When it’s not afraid, Mordecai is a curious and mischievous creature, who’s fascinated by the world it lives in. Chime is the only other creature it trusts, and she’s the only thing it’s willing to fight to protect.


Addictions: None

Mental illnesses: Anxiety

Physical illnesses: None

Disabilities: None

Allergies: None

Fears/phobias: Bright lights, loud noises


Like a snake, Mordecai can eat things much larger than its body. Since its a demon, however, it doesn’t really need to eat. Mordecai is also immortal, but it can be killed.


Strengths: Immortality

Weaknesses: Skittish



Mordecai's life was pretty typical for a demon in Astra City. It mostly involved searching for food and running away from the city guards. Being a demon, it was almost always on edge. You have to be diligent to survive after all. Especially when there are much larger creatures out to get you

Like many demons, Mordecai spend a lot of time in the Midnight Forest. It was dark and quiet, perfect for a small demon such as itself. For years life in the forest was quiet. Citizens didn’t go inside, so Mordecai didn’t have to worry about getting attacked. All it had to worry about were other demons.

One day while out scrounging for food, Mordecai ran into one of these demons. It was much larger and more aggressive than Mordecai. It tried to get away, but it was too late. The other demon had already gotten pissed off, and it attacked Mordi to protect it’s territory.

Because Mordecai was so small, any injury could be life threatening. A small creature such as itself didn’t have much blood, so it couldn’t afford to lose any. These injuries were too much already, and the other demon wasn’t done yet! Not being able to do anything else, Mordecai closed its eyes and accepted its fate.

Surprisingly, the other demon stopped its attack and ran off. Mordi was too injured to understand what was going on. The soft jingling of bells rang through its ears. All it could feel was pain and… Something picking it up? Oh no, there’s an even bigger demon now, isn’t there? Still, its injuries prevented it from getting away. Shortly after being picked up, Mordi passed out.

Some time later, Mordecai woke up in a strange new place. It was a bit dark, with the only light source coming from a small fireplace near the back of the room. It didn’t know where it was, but that didn’t really matter. Its injuries were seemingly gone! Someone, or something, must have healed it while it was asleep. But where was this creature?

That question was answered quickly, as a large yellow bird wearing a red cloak walked into the room. As the bird walked, the bells on her outfit jingled softly. Bells! Yes, this must be the creature from before! But… Why was she helping? People don’t like demons. Why did this bird like Mordi?

Strangely, Mordecai wasn’t afraid of this bird. The bird, who it later learned was named Chime, seemed nice. Mordecai was curious, so even after Chime set it free, it hung around in hopes of figuring out why she acted this way.

Chime seemed to like all of the Midnight Forest demons. Instead of killing them, as most people did, she seemed to be helping them. Putting out food, tending to their wounds, and even chasing off threats. A very peculiar bird indeed. Over time, Chime realised that Mordecai was essentially stalking her. Mordi wasn’t being sneaky about it, it was pretty much blatantly following her around.

Instead of being upset, as most people would be while being stalked, Chime found it cute. She had always wanted to get close to a demon, in hopes of furthering her studies, but the majority of demons ran away from her despite her attempts to befriend them. This demon wanted to ge friends! How lucky! So, Chime made more of an effort to “tame” Mordecai.

Now, Chime has adopted Mordecai as her pet. Mordi doesn’t mind hanging around. Being pals with a larger creature is beneficial to it, and it’s nice to have a guardian around. Sure, there’s still many dangers to watch out for, but as long as Chime is around Mordecai feels safe. That’s all that really matters, isn’t it?

Artist notes


Clothing: Doesn’t typically wear clothing, but Chime sometimes puts it on a harness or leash to prevent it from running off

Physical appearance: Small and awkward. Mordecai looks like a dying cat. It’s usually in a very weird or unnatural pose, since it’s body is so flexible.

Expressions: Aloof, angry, curious


Low-key based Mordecai off of Luci from disenchantment and the demogorgon from stranger things. I love this stupid little gremlin cat demon