Kamen Rider Whisp



5 years, 7 months ago


Given name: Himari

Surname: Nakano

Rider Name: Kamen Rider Whisp

Age: 20

Summary of story:

After the events of Kamen Rider Ghost, the Great Eye seeks a new world to observe. In this new world, its power is first discovered by an unknown organization, which begins to attempt to isolate and control the Great Eye's power. Recognising the connection to life energy, they manage to create synthetic eyecons which manefest as Geyest (geist) monsters. The earliest of these are mass-produced mooks, invisible except to ghosts or under certain circumstances, and with little will except to follow orders. As time goes on, Geyest eyecons are accepted by members of the organization, who give up their physical bodies to manifest as more powerful Geyest. In this time, they also discover the existence of their world's Luminary spirits. Seeking greater power, they discover that the spirits can be brought forth by those with a strong connection to the historical figures and begin to seek such people out.

During this time, Himari recieves a mysterious birthday gift from her mother, who has been missing for months. Though the package lacks a return address, leaving no way of determining her mother’s whereabouts, Himari finds a very short letter wishing her well and cryptically apologising for recent events along with a blank eyecon. Shortly thereafter, Himari is killed attempting to protect her friends at her birthday picnic.

She finds herself in an unfamiliar forest, where an unseen man offers her a chance to reclaim her life by taking on the role of Kamen Rider. After accepting, she finds herself back in the clearing where she lost her life, the blank eyecon having transformed into the Whisp eyecon. After her first fight, she begins her own quest to find the 15 Luminary Eyecons and return to life with their power. The first eyecon she claims is that of Tomoe Gozen, who becomes her closest connection of the eyecon spirits, similar to Musashi in Ghost.

Notes about Himari herself:

Himari has a light-hearted and casual disposition. She has a tendency to take situations with a sense of humor, which can sometimes get her in trouble (especially when taking her own predicaments too lightly). She is caring, inquisitive, and outgoing.

Prior to her death, Himari was physically active. (She was involved in various physical extracurricular activities, including track & field and gymnastics. She also has some experience in color guard.) After she finished school, she continued to be physically active and even continued to train some of her gymnastic and track skills, simply for the fun of it.

Himari has not found a definite career path by the time she is attacked by the Geyest, instead having bounced rather easily between several temporary working situations. She has not had any financial troubles, and lived in a small apartment prior to her mother’s dissapearance. After her mother went missing, she ended her lease after being offered to stay in the Temple with Hiraku, who worried for her safety on her own.