Anyone from (feel free to look outside the folder, no one tagged 00/grave/gift) or from ekysotorp or SykeNight-Sales

I didn't see anyone I would really use. You have so many pretty babies tho!! 

fair, would you be potentially interested in resale on a payment plan? i have $100 i could put down on them and i can pay the other 76 in 2 weeks (or less potentially)
(also thank you <3 i love my babes)

or potentially this girl (in a 3 way)

I'll consider the money! I'm super tent/picky with him because I love him a lot but just didn't really use him so far 😩 

That's completely fair ^^ I'll let you think about it ♡ he is a gorgie. I dont think I've seen a deereon like him (although I'm kinda new to them quq)

Anyone in KitsuGalaxySales interest you?