


5 years, 6 months ago



jupiter is magic's twin sister, the two were raised haphazardly in and out of group homes after being abandoned by their previous caretakers for unknown reasons. despite all of the trauma and confusion in her childhood, jupiter has managed to stay a natural optimist, always looking toward the bright and fun sides of any situation. this, however, has led to her getting into lots of trouble. sneaking out, going to parties and overall causing mischief. magic takes full responsibility for her and any trouble she gets into, jupiter's constant antics and lack of responsibility straining the relationship between the two. jupiter is somewhat oblivious to this, and continues to visit him after they become adults. 

as a result of her living situation from ages 5-18, jupiter lacked many opportunities to attain typical childhood experiences. once she became independant and didn't have any stern rules to follow she indulged in what she never got to have, this resulted in her gaining a profound interest in bright colors, cuteness, and many material possessions. after meeting her current best friend ainsley, a model, jupiter became invested in modeling and fashion, eventually gaining noteriety. this popularity has resulted in jupiter deciding to become a fashion model/designer full time, leading to her financial success. she specializes in the childlike, colorful, comfortable, and eccentric.

jupiter's incredibly hyper and all over the place, she constantly needs social activity and interaction to avoid understimulation or boredom, she's always doing whatever she can to be around others, to some's dismay. she loves arranging social events, and partaking in underground events like raves. she is pansexual, and her fur feels like cotton.
