


5 years, 7 months ago


an affable and suave-talking wizard who is more than meets the eye. walking bisexual disaster. he goes by isaac fowler but his real name is emilius thain iv (called emil by family). parents are abigail and emilius thain iii; older sister is laela thain/ti'schendi. real cool wizard dude who is trying to discover his 'real' self. circumstances led to him being a drug smuggler as he tries to seek out the peeps that he partly blames for his wife's death. once had a wife name lysithea "lysi" thain, but she died due to terrible judgement. he blames himself for it and bears a lot of guilt as a result. currently has a complicated relationship with silas harlowe. isaac knows silas loves him but refuses to return said feelings until he discovers his 'real' self. he has anisocoria; his right pupil is much larger. his magic manifests as a red, smoky energy.