Alan "Short circuit" Barkley



5 years, 6 months ago


Deign details

- Do not draw him bruised nor bleeding. He's a machine. Can be drawn with mechanical damage instead. 

- Teeth and tongue are sharp and metallic (similar to what is shown on the first image on the gallery) 

- Gums are dark grey/black

- Ring attire can be in different colors

Full name: Alan "Short circuit" Barkley

Nicknames: Al, Shrimp

Species: Android

Height: 5 feet 

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality: Short fused, blunt, a bit cold, impatient, determined, brave, rebellious, skeptical, protective.

Likes: Getting into fights, boxing, fast paced music

Dislikes: Posers. criminals, unjustified authority, losing, hot places, getting called short, laws of robotics

Body type: Muscular

Features: Sharp metallic teeth and metallic tounge

Voice: Speaks with a cockney accent. Tends to cuss a lot. 

Android Abilities: night vision, resistant to cold temperatures

Android weaknesses: Cannot smell or taste, Contact with water may cause short circuits.

Outfits: Usually wears sporty clothing but also looks cool in punk outfits. 

Backstory (WIP)

Alan was originally built for a promotion of a beat em up game. He was the main character's sidekick.

When the game died out, Alan was sold to a penguin who runs a very legal robot fighting ring