David Donovan Diane



5 years, 7 months ago


A broken child, born and, left alone in the world because his father, did not want a boy, he was deemed unworthy within the few minutes he was alive in the world, his mother not wanting to care for her child either, insteas he was left to his grandmother, who cared for him for so long, until the age of 18. But before all of that, he suffered countless pains because he did not fit in with everyone, because he did not grow up in a house of two loving parents, but in the end he loved his grandma more than life itself, that was until he made his first friend in school, his name was Noah, he had a twin brother, Jack, but David could tell the difference, it wasn't hard to, to him they were both their own people and not the same, maybe that's when he realized how different the world was and how big but yet small it was, at a young age, he developed low self esteem, but a fierce and hot headed attitude to any that made fun of him or his grandma, in fact, he would cause fights, when his grandma would find out, she would not punish him instead, she taught him the difference between wrong and right and how to control his anger, maybe it was his sadness, or how hopeless he felt at times, whatever it was, his grandma helped him control it, he learned to accept his negative emotions and become one with it, sometimes he's break and be unable to control himself, and sald destruct on himself, leaving scars on his small body and mind, but he became a rather successful child, his friendship with Noah strengthening, but his relationship with Jack was rather, strained, Jack was a rather immature and extremely awful, it seemed the spoiled rich boy, had become just as rotten as his parents, but David would soon learn the hard way, that be was not the worst person out there.

The years went by fast, he grew and matured, but developed a bad habit of smoking, a habit he'd gotten as a child, from hanging around with the wrong people, because he needed something to distract his loud thoughts inside his head,, but he'd have someone instead, to distract him from himself, and that would be none other than Noah, Noah Smith, in his sophomore year, he asked him if he would be his boyfriend, and for once in his entire life, he felt happy ,,, of course, his grandma made him happy, but this was a type of happy that only two people could create, it was love, love that would surely be the death of David, and it was, but he would not die, no, he'd live , which was more of torture than dying, because it was his senior year, where everything fell apart, it was normal day, and he'd almost finished with all his classes, when he was called up to office, and he'd get a call, about his grandma, being admitted to the hospital, when he'd recieved the news he felt a numbness take over him, he could swear he felt his heart stop, he couldn't hear anything, he couldn't hear anything, everything that made sense meant nothing , he could feel everything crashing down, but he had a small glimmer of hope, he didn't waste anymore time, leaving everything he owned, running out of his school hopping into his grandma's small but dependable car, he always carried his keys with him, as well as his wallet, which held pictures of who he loved sl dearly, but it seemed, he would be alone, as he desperately sped down the small town's streets, he felt his heart pound loudly against is chest, a deafening silence settling, he made it to the town's hospital, and frantically asked for his grandmother's room number, he was asked to wait in the living room until he was allowed to see her, it wasn't until a few hours later, he was permitted to see her, and was informed that she didn't have long, it broke his heart, he was in denial that his only relative was going to leave him all alone, just how he was born into the world,, when he entered his ma was weak and tired, he cried as he watched her lay in the white bed, in the white room, he would never forget, what she'd said, with a smile on her face as she became too tired, falling asleep, only to never wake again. 

Davis had held her hand as she passed away into a better place, but he cried in anguish, his chest hurting so much to the point it hurt to breathe , his eyes hurt from crying so much,, he left the hospital, with nothing but a dark conscious,he felt numb and empty, he couldn't comprehend what he'd just experienced, but with a heavy heart and broken soul, he planned her funeral, her life insurance being given to him, as an inheritance, he never wanted this, he just wanted his ma back,, he didn't have to deal with this alone, he had Noah, who supported him and helped with his grief, his despair increased each day, until the day of his graduation, he cried in front of everyone, his heart screaming in pain , it was unbearable , it hurt so much, it was so fucking suffocating, he was taken off the stage by some teachers, not his boyfriend, because his parents were watching, judging , every movement, as if he made one mistake, they would leave him in the dust, disowning him. But David didn't care, since his ma passes away, he could,, sense,, something was off between Noah and himself