Faaris Creighton ☆



5 years, 6 months ago


A rather mean looking guy who works for the highest bidder until he's in a contract, then he's at least loyal to his payer as long as they're loyal to him.



Faaris comes off as cold in appearance and personality, apathetic and lacks any emotional reaction to most things. His face usually sports a frown and isn't one that jokes, always serious in nature outwardly. Even if he does acknowledge something more light hearted, its done with a very even and emotionless voice. Many consider him mean and cruel due to his lack of cares towards people, but very honest when it comes to his opinions and what's on his mind so its never a mystery as long as you care to ask him. 

Despite his lack of care towards people, he is soft hearted enough to sit and listen to people's woes as long as he doesn't need to respond. Though, he will tell you to deal or fuck off if he starts to find you too annoying. He also has a softer spot for children and younger teens, finding them more endearing as they are still growing used to the world around them.


  • Black Coffee / Unsweetened Tea
  • Quietness
  • Children / Kids (under the age of 16)
  • Knives / Sharp Weapons
  • Cozy Sweaters
  • Dog


  • Being The Center Of Attention
  • People
  • Showing Skin
  • Very Sweet Foods Or Drinks
  • Fizzy Drinks


Name Faaris Creighton
Nickname(s) ?
Gender Male
Pronoun(s) He/Him They/Them
Age 178
Height 6'5"
Build Well Toned & Skinny
Sexuality Bisexual (female leaning)
Relationship Status Single
Tier 3
Region/Circle Fraud
Job(s) Hired Hand / Assassin
Nightmare Animal Crested Gecko

  • n/a
  • n/a


28111010_0AO.pngAnimal: Crested Gecko
Height: 8'0"

  • Can climb walls easily while in his nightmare form, to many people's surprise.
  • Hates being in his nightmare form, as it lacks fur and makes him feel naked.
  • His eyes move individually while in his nightmare form, a bit terrifying for those who realize this as he does it.
  • Has a habit of flinging himself off tall buildings for fun, though scurries away after while people try to figure out what happened.
  • Won't be in his nightmare form around anyone unless he deeply trusts them, feeling vulnerable while in it.
  • Skin is quite rough while he's in his nightmare form, despite his humanoid not having such trait.

  • Was a maned wolf when born and became a vampire ground finch when he hit tier 2, he plans to become a dragon when he makes it to tier 4.


  • Smokes when stressed or drunk, a habit he picked up after getting into his father's cigarettes.
  • Wears dog tags that belonged to his 'donor' father, but he doesn't recall much about him as he died when he was very young.
  • Half brother to Jezik Creighton (his older brother), sharing the same 'mother' but different 'fathers'.
  • Is next in line for the Assassins' Guild despite being the younger one, not that he wants to be.
  • Often forgets to eat, especially during the morning hours.
  • Is almost always fully covered with long sleeves and pants (unless showering or having sex) regardless of weather. He does occasionally wear tank tops or shirts in the private comfort of his own home.
  • Likes being in the colder temperatures, mostly due to how he dresses, but isn't uncomfortable even in heat.
  • Doesn't like being ogled or romanced, as he has a fear related to commitment.
  • Despite sleeping around and having many one night stands, he is mono and actually hates that he has needs that lead him to those sorts of antics.


Early Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas quam nec ante pretium, nec commodo lectus porta. Phasellus porta nulla a risus vestibulum molestie. Pellentesque fermentum laoreet erat nec facilisis. Duis vulputate sem vitae est auctor ullamcorper. Nulla fringilla eleifend magna, a elementum diam malesuada eget. Quisque odio sapien, dictum et nibh at, finibus cursus arcu. Donec tempor massa non ornare luctus. Ut massa dui, euismod quis erat id, ullamcorper aliquet purus. Quisque et augue neque. Integer posuere, lorem et varius mollis, nunc dui maximus odio, tincidunt elementum turpis nulla sit amet sapien. Etiam dui massa, placerat eu ante a, sollicitudin fringilla justo. Phasellus feugiat lorem a elit semper, a facilisis turpis mattis.


Integer consectetur, tellus eget pulvinar viverra, sem risus consequat ligula, quis facilisis dui sem feugiat nisl. Nullam pretium ligula non fermentum molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam vitae dui a mi auctor auctor. Aliquam malesuada hendrerit congue. Donec sollicitudin purus et tempus placerat. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse vitae placerat tellus, a facilisis nisi. Duis sit amet orci leo. Duis dapibus quam eget nisl finibus consequat. Cras congue laoreet orci et dignissim. Vivamus nibh augue, fringilla vitae sodales id, luctus id odio. Vivamus egestas pretium tincidunt.

Vivamus varius odio metus, semper eleifend ex sollicitudin consectetur. Pellentesque id euismod orci. Nulla at nisl risus. Nam fringilla sit amet magna at consectetur. Vestibulum scelerisque, elit et ultrices volutpat, urna neque aliquam sem, ac dictum turpis ligula in elit. Fusce vitae velit cursus, venenatis neque vel, maximus magna.