{06} Keita



5 years, 7 months ago




♀ Keita • Early Twenties • Single
Created by Universally-Skullie on  August 20th 2018 • Adopted Nov 2 2018

 Keita is a sweet girl who never means any harm.
She lives alone but is talkative and knows most of the people in her apartment complex
She writes a fashion blog online and likes to shop alot.
Keita has alot of ambitions but very little motivation to follow them through. She likes to think she will start an exercise routine but never does.
She wants to get a cat but doesnt. She wants to go back to school but cant make herself do it.
Most days are spent either staying in and watching tv or playing games, or going to the mall and local coffee shop and wasting money.
She is content with this though.

Keita's Spirit is violent and rude and will often chastise Keita for her laziness or overly kind demeanor.
Her spirit often eggs her to argue with trolls online rather than ignoring them or yells at her about wasting their money.
However cruel her spirit may seem he acts this way only out of wanting better for Keita. He feels she is too kind and needs to stick up for herself, and is aware that if unchecked she will spend the money they need for food or rent. Her spirit often makes fun of or insults people around them but only because he believes no one is better than Keita and she shouldnt give them the time of day.

Keita's spirit grants her the power to control cold. She can freeze things that she touches and can lower the temperature of the air around her to form ice or snow.
She does not like her ability much and doesnt often use it for more than keeping their electric bill down in the summer or preventing her laptop from overheating.
When she uses her powers she feels the cold in her bones for hours and will have to warm herself up. She often takes hot baths to try and fight it off and is almost always drinking something warm.
She can easily go over board and freeze something more than she means to-- and doesnt have the ability to un-freeze it. 




  •  Retro Gaming
  • Hot Tea
  • TV Dramas




  •  Cooking
  • Sweets


  • Likes to wear a blanket around her whenever shes at home.
  • Has a cute laugh
  • She gets sick often

. [@] ♥