Cory Redbranch



8 years, 3 months ago


Name:  Cory Redbranch
Age:  20 (30 by end of story series)
Gender:  Male
Height:  5'8"
Weight:  n/a
Species:  Red Panda-Fox hybrid

General biographical data:
Cory is a super-curious young male. His mother is a Red Panda and his father is a Fox...which is why the red of his fur is RED and not a Red Panda's usual reddish-brown. Cory tends to be incredibly curious about anything, which can get him in lots of trouble on missions to planets or other ships. But...he is also one of the most amazing pilots to ever graduate from the Space Force. No one really knows why he is serving on a simple transport carrier like the "Meri Star" and he just tends to shrug and say he likes it on a smaller ship.

Cory also tends to be very open and sometimes....................well, let's just say sometimes things spill out of his mouth with no filter attached. However, despite his small flaws...and his skills as a pilot...he is a good friend who is always loyal to his friends and his crew. The torture he suffered with Jamie amongst the Raptor Pirates scarred him a little, but he still always tries to keep his positive and open attitude. He worried a lot for Sean after Jamie left the ship for five years...but is happy to see Sean's mood brighten once Jamie returns to the "Meri Star".