Chester Cox



5 years, 7 months ago


Chester Wilson Cox

Last Edited: 10.24.20

Chester out on the ranch.

Name Chester Cox

Born April 19 (age 28)

Orientation Bisexual

Race Bison Centaur

Height 7'2

Occupation Businessman

Theme Ride a Cowboy

Chester Cox, (age 28), is a bison centaur who recently moved to the big city from his family's humble ranch. He's taken over his deceased father's company and attempting to learn the ropes of being a CEO, which he views as a fun challenge most days.

Early Life

Growing up on a large ranch in the outskirts of the desert, Chester comes from a rather large family and a close-knit, small-town community. He's very used to the wide-open spaces of his hometown, and everyone knowing everyone. His mother and father divorced when he was only 3, and she remarried only a few years after, so Chester grew up surrounded by his siblings his whole life, and wouldn't be the same without them. He was closest with Sawyer and Presley, but worked the farm and took care of the cattle with his older brothers and step-father. He became very good at horseback riding and roping, loving to spend his small amounts of free time riding the range and exploring a bit. Chester's closest friend was a human named Bruce, who was both a classmate and his partner during round-up season. They were thick as thieves, and sometimes his brothers would joke that they acted like an old married couple. They went to see every rodeo together, always in awe of the cowboys who could bull-ride and rope like it was nobody's business. When they became old enough, they both entered and quickly became addicted to the adrenaline rush of being in the ring.


Late Teens and Early Twenties

As the years passed, both Chester and Bruce became ensnared with a certain girl, along with half the town's young population. Dot was considered the prettiest gal in the area, and Chester was more than a little surprised when she chose him out of everyone to both flirt with and later date. He was wrapped around her finger from the very first moment, and gave her everything she could ever want, no matter the cost to himself. They had begun to talk of marriage, when Chester suffered a bad accident from a rodeo ride gone wrong. He shattered the bone in his hind left leg and was in a serious coma with head trauma for almost seven months. The doctors had little hope of him ever being able to walk again, let alone wake up, but the stubborn bison somehow managed to pull through, and surprised everyone by being relatively okay. The bone didn't heal quite right, but after months of therapy, he could walk again, albeit with a heavy limp. The worst thing, though, was waking up to find that Dot had moved on with Bruce of all people, and his ex-friend almost bragged that she'd been seeing him since before the accident. She was heavily pregnant when Chester came back to, and after the birth it was revealed that the child was a little bison girl, and clearly not Bruce's child. The man was more than pissed about it and forbade Chester from having contact with her, quickly moving both himself and Dot to the other side of the town.

Chester spent the next six years re-learning how to do tasks he'd used to find simple, including ranching. He tried in vain to reestablish contact with Dot and Bruce, but the possessive man had shut him out of their lives, and losing both his best friend and his girlfriend (and most importantly, his daughter) was a blow he didn't know could hurt as bad as it did. When the news that his biological father had passed away and left the large company he ran in the city to his children, Chester was the only one that had any interest in taking it over, both the best with numbers in his family and now the most useless with ranch work. Packing a bag, he bid his family goodbye and set off for a new life in the city.

Arriving in the city, the bison was more than a little under-prepared for just how different life in the city was to that of his tiny, country hometown. He quickly took over his father's company, much to the chagrin of the boardmembers who didn't want to deal with an inexperienced country boy as their boss. Chester never faltered, though, and proved himself to be both a fast learner and willing to show he had what it took to adapt to his new changes. With the help of the chairmen and a few particular boardmembers that were willing to give him a chance, Chester learned to navigate the ropes of business life. Though he's proven himself to be strong CEO-material several times over, some of the senior boardmembers are still reluctant to see him take the reins of the company in full. The fact that he still harnesses his inner child and has pulled off several pranks, mostly on said senior members, likely doesn't help matters, but he finds a deskjob to be stuffy and boring as hell. In addition to that, he can oftentimes be found helping out around the premise, whether it's lawnwork or helping change lightbulbs and fix a leaky faucet. This gets on some of the board's nerves, saying that the boss shouldn't be doing grunt work, while others find it admirable and a better reflection of the company. Either way, Chester doesn't care what they think, mostly doing the odd jobs to get himself out of his office chair and his hands dirty.

Though Chester still has yet to officially claim the title of CEO, he is the boss of the company in all but name, and relies heavily on his board for support and suggestions. With his work, the bison managed to both set up a trade arrangement and finalize it with a sister company, making his business essentially the largest importer and distribution warehouse for frozen and fresh meats and other farm products in the region, and his family is proud of him for being able to make something of his life despite his setbacks. Though Chester doesn't admit it, he shares that pride, having been close to giving up completely during his therapy. Despite now living and working in the city, Chester never changed from his cowboy getup, and though his employees eventually got used to it, he's more than used to the funny looks he gets on the streets. Chester goes back home for every major holiday and family get-together, and loves to explore the city in his free time, even going to cheesy tourist destinations. Overall, he's happy to be where he is in his life, and more than ready to see what comes next.


Mabel, 60 (Mother): Chester loves her dearly. He brings her back knick knacks from the big city, and although she pretends to be cranky about "unnecessary clutter" he knows she secretly loves them and keeps them all on display in the living room. He jokes that her gossip about the ladies in town is the bread and butter of their relationship.

Austin, 62 (Father): Deceased. Has very few memories of the man, and is pretty neutral about him.

Blake, 58 (Step-Father): On pretty decent terms with. Definitely views the man as a father figure, and looks to him for both support and approval.

Weston, 45 (Older Brother): On good terms. Still horses around with him when home for the holidays, and helps out with caring for the ranch when he gets the chance.

Shiloh, 39 (Older Sister): On good terms. She was the one who taught him how to be a rodeo bull, and helped him learn to rope as well.

Colton, 32 (Older Step-Brother): On pretty bad terms. He was always a bit rude to Chester, even when they first met, and Chester could never figure out why. After the rodeo accident, though, Colton claimed that Chester was useless and should be kicked off the ranch altogether, which hurt a good bit.

Sawyer, 27 (Younger Brother): On great terms. Pretty much his best friend now, along with Presley. They got into all sorts of trouble when they were younger, and love to reminisce about their shenanigans at family get-togethers.

Presley, 23 (Younger Step-Sister): On great terms. He dotes on his little sister, and practically raised her. She's the one he writes to and calls most often.

Dakota, 8 (Daughter): Chester doesn't get to see her much since he doesn't have custody of her, but he loves her more than anything and strives to be the best father he can to her.

Personal Life

genuine, outgoing, relaxed blunt, pushover, stubborn







An overlook of Chester's stats

A rather outgoing and happy-go-lucky person, Chester has a heart of gold and is always fast to offer his help, even to the point of annoying those around him. He finds it easy to make friends and not too much bothers him, having grown up with five siblings and on a busy ranch. That being said, he rarely visited the city growing up, so living in one is an experience and a half for him, and is often clueless to how things work in the city. He loves to meet new people of all kinds, though, sometimes writing to his younger sister Presley about the most interesting characters he meets.

While never one to hold himself back in friendly conversation or interaction, Chester actually gets flustered pretty easily. His skin will show a deep blush, unlike most of his family (a fact he's rather embarrassed about.) He's a total sweetheart, and rarely holds back when someone needs something from him, whether it's a hand with a job or a shoulder to lean on. Despite that, he does keep some aspects of his life private, like the fact that he has a daughter he is rarely allowed to see. He was raised with the belief that men can't show weakness, and will do everything in his power to always come off as strong and collected, and even take "ignorant goofball" over showing weakness.


Home on the range!


  • Music, country being his favorite genre. It reminds him of home.
  • Duct tape - which he has quite a collection of.
  • Sweets and baked goods, especially homemade ones.
  • Family. He's very much a family man.


  • Needing help from anyone, for pretty much any reason.
  • Cooking - he's a disaster in the kitchen.
  • Clothing, aside from his few ponchos and cowboy hats.
  • Being the shortest one in his family (aside from Dakota).


  • Chester hoards duct tape. Hoards it, like it's the end of the world. He never knew it came in colors and patterns, so he's fascinated by it and determined to get at least one roll of every kind.
  • He's polite to a fault (ma'am and sir), but also such a Dad™ (champ, sport, kiddo).
  • Chester has a really deep singing voice but gets flustered easily and doesn't sing often anymore. Family music nights used to be a big thing, and he always looks forward to them when he goes back home for a visit.
  • His job earns him a lot of money, but having grown up a minimalist, he hardly spends any of it.


Colton in August.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Ceri in May.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.