


5 years, 6 months ago


A human hunter, member of the Alliance, who will fight tooth and nail to bring her troops home, no matter what.

Name: Reilea Maddings [Armory]
Species: Kul Tiran Human
Age: 26
Class: Beast Master Hunter
Pet: Diana, 'Ghost Saber'

Helm, Chestplate, Gloves, Belt, Pants, Boots: Wild Gladiator's Chain set
Tabard: Wrynn's Vanguard Tabard
Cloak: Proudmoore Cloak
Weapon: Dread Aspirant's Longbow
Shoulders: None (hidden)

Reilea has been part of conflict since she was given her first training weapon. Signing onto the military as soon as she turned eighteen, she's made her way through the ranks not just as a soldier of Stormwind, but making her way up to being a member of Wrynn's Vanguard during her efforts in Ashran. She spent her time after that conflict helping train others in marksmanship, until the burning of Teldrassil brought the threat of war to a peak, and followed her King to Lordaeron, being wounded in that battle. Since then, she's been working on her recovery, while working on bonding with others stuck in Stormwind's walls. Her goal? To hand pick a squad, and rejoin the war effort. Or at least, that's what her plan *was*...

[Character is currently still under development]