


8 years, 4 months ago


B a s i c s:

Name: Vaexius, Last name unknown.
Age: 24
Spececies: Elf
Orientation/Relationship status: Homosexual, Taken by Kollum. (Owned by my bf!)
Occupation: Pirate/Ship captain.
Personality: He's very kindhearted for a pirate, and normally tries to seek out passifist ways to resolve conflicts. He's very passionate about what he enjoys and does. He's also very loyal to those who he's close too, but he can be a little too trusting at times, which leads to a lot of problems later on in his story.
Likes: Being out on the ocean, the feeling of the sun on his skin, sunsets/sunrises, being around the people he cares about, sweets or any kind of fruit, books/old maps/anything that can be read or learned from, stargazing on the deck of his ship, and being someone young elves can look up too.
Dislikes: Those who would judge him or anyone else for being an elf, tight spaces, narrowminded/cruel/untrustworthy people, bad storms, anyone who would wish harm upon anyone he loves, unnececary fighting, the feeling of being abandoned or feeling like his freedom is being taken away, and those who keep elves and/or humans.

M o r e:

Will come later! uvu