


5 years, 10 months ago


the names Лариса

lives in a cold part of like russia that is yakutsk which is a city where its cold even in summer and she lives in a area where like no one lives and theres like very little people in her city and most of them are like adults or old people and both of her parents died and she has a job far away from her house so she has 2 ride there by train that she has to ride for an hour and even any food shop is so far away she also needs 2 get there by a train and when she gets there theres like a big difference in temperatures and she really wish she could move out to somewhere more warm so she works hard n collects money in a cute piggybank thing and she also has that cool big white/black dogs i think they r huskies the image of them somehow dissapeared from my mind 

standing in front of a train with a grocery bag while its storming outside

has a bitch face she hates it

would get sick or freeze to death she would probably die in her bed and her body would rot and no one would probably notice that something is wrong except for her boss that would try to contact her bcs she wouldnt go to her job because she dead

shed talk in like rlly old russian that was used long time ago so people dont understand her much and its bcs thats the words her parents and grandparents taught her and she isnt rlly talking like in slang with normal people so she doesnt know the slang

shed also like talk weird stuff to herself out of habit and just swear a lot bcs she would just be used 2 do it because shed spend most of her time alone(with her dog) so she could just say things like mmhmhh i need to wash dog another big usage of water mm i wont be able to pay for fucking water like under her nose??? idk ifs thats the word for it fot english too but i guess its..uhh.. mumble?? like just random mmlmlhshs kind of quietly homeless drunk people do that a lot

has no money so she just asks strangers if they have a cig but shes not like an addict it just calms her how gray the smoke is 

the feeling of cold stairs in a old house when its the middle of november and its midnight, the taste of cold milk eaten with chocolate cereal thats bag has been opened 3 months ago and the whole meal has been in a bowl that has been taken out of the freezer so everythings horrible