


5 years, 7 months ago



28.08.2018 idea of him was born

normal boy that looks kinda weird so people dont talk 2 him but he is very nice he is just so lonely he takes matches with him everyday and he lights them up when hes sad because fire is so warm and comforting for him and its like fire kinda filles the hole in his heart bcs he has no friends

pretty shy he automatically assumes oh no,,a person,,they will hate me and think im a freak when they will find out,,ill probably start a fire and burn them and they will be hurt because of me (or maybe hes not shy hes just scared?)

hes religious thats why he wears cross necklaces bcs his catholic parents were always religious but they are >:((( to him and his parents dont like him bcs they think pyromania has something to do with satan and they cant believe him that he loves god because he also loves fire and hE wIll gO to HelL

maybe like both of his (non actually related to him,but the ones that did not left him so id say "last") parents r like some catholic church important people like his dad is a priest and his mom is idk who but they would go to like church together years ago and find aiden like alone when he was 8 and they decided 2 take him bcs his other(still not his real)parents left him

like he just been going from family to family when he was a child he still believes he will go to a new family and maybe thats why aiden decided 2 like calm himself with fire bcs then he feels warm like hes home bcs hes afraid of being left again even if hes a adult now and lives alone

all boys in his class r like handsome and hot and every girl in the class just hhhs at them and theres just aiden a lonely boy with rose scented candle

would always wear cool high sport shoes so he seem taller and a bit too big white shirt so he feels comfortable and hes not looking like very like a hot boye bcs the other hot boys in his class would probably just exercise shirtless and he would be like :-( because he would feel awkward taking his shirt off especially that his body isnt like super good hes just a normal boy not a model boy