


5 years, 7 months ago




26 / 32
Polar Bear
6'5 195.5 cm
Ear Size
6'0 183 cm 
Tail Size
20' 610 cm


Mint is your everyday polar bear girl! Well, kinda. She has two designs, one at age 26 (short hair) and the other at age 32 (long hair). Always eager to meet new friends and down for a conversation. If you find her, she's probably with a large group of friends. or by herself avoiding interaction. She gets flustered easily, but has become more confident with age. 



  • Tights & Leggings

  • Sugary foods

  • Eating out with friends

  • Fashion styles

  • Working out
  • Creepy crawlies

  • Hearing her voice

  • Loud noises (sensitive ears!)

  • Movies

  • Mint ice cream


aVpPtpt.jpegYounger Mint (26 y/o): 

Mint is tall, standing at 6'5 not counting her ears and 12'5 with her ears (195.5 cm and 381 cm respectively). She has an androgynous face and is completely flat chested (reference). Her ears are almost as long as her entire body (ears are 6 ft and body is 6'5). Her tail is 3 times the size of her body, roughly 20 ft. She'll often wear a short jacket that ends in bear paws at her hands so she's not confused for a rabbit. Her hands are humanlike when not wearing the jacket. She wears very tight clothing, especially tops, normally showing her bra straps. She wears tights or leggings with a majority of her outfits. She has large, circular glasses. Her nose color is naturally black, but sometimes she uses her makeup to color it pink based on her outfit. She has an unbeatable cowlick in the middle of her hair. She often wears a choker and likes to try all sorts of different earrings. While some outfits are her staple go-to's, she likes to switch it up and try on new outfits when she's out with friends. She doesn't want to get too predictable. 

Older Mint (32 y/o):

Mint older design has a few major changes. Her hair is now long, going down to her hips. She usually styles it in a ponytail. Although her ears naturally stand up, she wears them down with a weighted band. She may tie them up in a bun when feeling casual. She wears less earrings if any at all. She has become more toned, especially in her arms and abs with an hourglass figure. She continues to wear a similar wardrobe full of leggings, tight, off-shoulder tops, crop tops, and athletic wear.


Luna In their younger designs, Luna and Mint haven't been dating long, and are still getting used to each other's personality quirks. Even knowing each other for only a short while, they deeply care for each other. They have a hard time not showing public displays of affection. 

Luna was originally Mint's pet cat, but after an accidental transformation, she became the excitable cat girl we know now. 

Luna loves Mint's long tail and curls up on it to sleep every night. She has trouble falling asleep without it. She'll crawl up on Mint and nibble at her ears, which is one of Mint's biggest weaknesses. 

They have a major height difference (Mint - 6'5, 195.5 cm. Luna - 4'7, 143 cm). When Mint sits down, Luna is just barely taller than her. Mint's ears themselves are a foot longer than Luna. A size ref can be found here.


Design notes for artists

- Younger Mint has a more androgynous body type. Her chest is completely flat, no curve at all. She is also very tall, standing at 6'5 (not including her ears). If you are                drawing her with another character, please note the height differences.  Older Mint is much curvier and muscular compared to her younger design.                                
- Mint's ears are nearly the size of her body  6'0. Please do not draw them shorter. If they need to go above the frame, that's ok.           
- She's regularly mistaken for a rabbit, but she actually is a polar bear hybrid. She doesn't have any buck teeth.           



  • ●  Mint's birthday is on February 20th.

  • ● Mint's ears naturally stand straight up. They can bend if forced, which is how she wears them in her older design. They're also extremely soft, but she is sensitive to loud noises.

  • ● She's often thought to be a rabbit instead of a polar bear which is why she wears her bear paw jacket and shoes.

  • ● Mint loves hanging out with new friends. If you have a character that you'd like to have meet up with Mint, contact me!

profile html by Hukiolukio