


5 years, 10 months ago


"Pretty impressive, huh?"

Malchom held Jacob over his head, having finished 10 squats with Jacob's weight. He loved being with Jacob and showing off, so he decided to kill two birds with one stone. He gently returned Jacob to the floor where Jacob smiled warmly. Malchom's heart warmed at the sweet look on his face.

Malchom Ramella

Age: 18

Height: 6' 3

Weight: 160 lbs

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Orientation: Biromantic/Bisexual

Net Value: $347.00 

Common Saying: "You can suck my dick! You and (Name of person bothering him)!"

Conception: Malchom was born to Arlo and Masie Ramella October 28, 2000.

Early Years (Birth-8 years old)

Malchom was an energetic, bright child with a knack for being the center of attention. Whatever would get him positive attention, he'd do it -- making an A in class, standing on his head, doing 30 push-ups in a minute, he'd do it. He never ceased to please. However, when Malchom's mother, Masie Ramella, died in 2008, he stopped getting attention from his main audience: Arlo, his father. No matter what Malchom tried, he couldn't get his father to smile and praise him. Arlo always told him that he felt too weak without Masie to do anything other than be depressed. So, Malchom decided he would be his father's strength. 

Later Years (9 Years old - Present)

Malchom was determined to get stronger for his father. Every day for 10 years, Malchom went to the gym. He did every type of exercise imaginable, favoring weightlifting and cardio. He signed up for weightlifting when he was in high school and took many trophies home because of his success. Slowly but surely, Malchom's thriving inspired Arlo to live again, inspiring him to go out and see what he had been missing in the world. Malchom graduated high school in June 2018 and is currently seeking a career in professional weightlifting!

Meeting Jacob Vera

Malchom was strolling through the usual bustling crowd of the city on his way home from the gym when he heard someone crying close by. Malchom ducked into an alleyway to inspect and found Jacob. Jacob lamented to Malchom about his family and his mental illness. Malchom decided to let Jacob stay at his place, where Arlo welcomed him with open arms. 

Personality: Hot-headed, egotistical, fun-loving, ambitious


Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Food: Donuts

Favorite Song: Painkiller by Judas Priest

Favorite Video Game: Time Crisis 5

Likes: Jacob, positive attention, weightlifting, showing off

Dislikes: Feeling weak or useless, self loathing, heights 

Random Tidbits:

Challenge Malchom to an arm wrestling competition and you'll lose, no questions asked.

Despite his hot-headed nature, Malchom chooses not to fight in most situations.

He has hit his head on low door frames several times.

The only type of weightlifting that has severely hurt Malchom is deadlifts - he pulled two tendons in his left arm and one in his right when he tried to lift beyond his limit.

Malchom used to be very loudmouthed, but changed his tune when Jacob came about.

Triggers: N/A