Sailor Harmonia // Chailee Ste



8 years, 3 months ago


Name: Chailee Sterling
Nickname: Chay or Chay-Chay. Her father adoringly calls her his 'Bright Star'.
Age: 14 15 16
Birthday: June 27th
Sign: Cancer
Gemstone: Alexandrite
Blood Type: AB
Fav. Food: Sweet crepes. Preferably with strawberry or raspberry!
Hated Food: Fish! Truthfully, it's a mind of matter thing. For some reason fish just creeps Chailee out and every time she attempts to eat it she mentally makes it the worst meal of her life just because it's fish.
School: Meadowview High School

Reading -- It's not uncommon to see Chailee toting a book around with her, especially some kind of Fantasy novel. She loves reading about other worlds and immersing herself in a story that is so much different from the life she lives. Any story that has a little bit of magic involved with possibly a prince and princess falling in love is exactly what fits this girl.
Playing the Flute
-- When she was younger her mother insisted that she pick up some kind of instrument to make her 'well-rounded'. There had been a lot of discussion on what she should pick up whether it be piano, clarinet, trumpet, oboe, but what she ended up choosing was the flute. The light airy quality of the instrument just calmed her soul and she happily began to learn it. Little did she know though that she'd become quite good at it and highly enjoy playing it! Playing the instrument helps Chailee to express herself. Being such a quiet girl, she tends to just let things get bottled up inside of her. Playing her flute helps her to alleviate pent up emotions and just let her body and mind relax and achieve a type of harmony.
Horseback Riding -- Just outside Destiny City is a small stable where Chailee's horse, Willow, is boarded. The bay mare is a gorgeous Anglo-Arabian and Chailee's treasured friend. The young teenager make it a point to go out and visit Willow several times a week. If it was up to her she'd be out there every day, but her parents insist that school comes first. Whenever she can get out there though she dotes upon Willow mercilessly and happily rides trails or works on show jumping.

Loyal -- Never having too many friends as a young child, the few friends she does have Chailee is extremely loyal to. She'd never betray their trust and if they ever needed help, she'd drop whatever she was doing to aid them.
Incredibly Kind -- When meeting new people, Chailee can be quite shy, but she's never one of those people who judges others based on looks or disposition. In her book, everyone deserves a chance, and because of this she can be very forgiving and kind to people. Did you come across grumpy during first impressions? Did you have a bad day and take it out on Chailee? No worry because Chailee will forgive you for it and treat you as if you've never done her harm. It truthfully takes a lot for someone to end up on Chailees list of 'Not so nice, people'.

Indecisive -- Chailee is not very good and making decisions. She can't handle any sort of pressure and clams up almost immediately. If people expect her to make a decision about something immediately, she'll fret over what could possibly be the correct path to choose and then fret over the fact she's taking so long to decide. It's a vicious cycle.
Too Trusting/Gullible
-- With kindness comes the ability to be so kind that you're overly trusting, or just plain gullible. Chailee will believe just about anything you tell her. 'There's real live ghosts? You've seen them cause they tried to steal food from your fridge?!' Yep, she'd totally buy that. As sweet as she is, sometimes you wonder if she'll ever get anywhere in life with how easily she can be fooled. Eventually she'll catch on though, right?... Right?

Eyes: Chailee has rather large soft green eyes. The corners are slightly angled to give her a more exotic look and she enhances it with a bit of mascara, which is about the extent of make-up that she wears on a daily basis.
Hair: Her hair is an unruly mass of waves/curls in a soft purple/blue color. Her hair has a tendency to do its own thing and poke out in places. Having decided to embrace the fact that her hair is near impossible to tame, Chailee dip dyed the tips in soft pinks as a way to make it look like its styled that way on purpose.
A heart shaped face with a little up turned/button nose has a tendency to make her look a wee bit younger than she actually is. Her lips are a bit narrower on the top, but slightly fuller on the bottom giving her an almost pouty look. Her ears are normal in size, but are definitely pierced, only once though. Her mother won't let her pierce them anymore. She does have a tendency to wear ear cuffs though as a way to make amends with only having her ears pierced once.
Clothes: Chailee is a girly girl. If she isn't dressed in her school uniform or off riding she's usually wearing skirts and dresses. With her somewhat shabby chic/boho style she wears a lot of lace and frilly things. They have a tendency to make her look younger than she already is but she doesn't mind much. "Embrace your youthfulness" as mother would say.
Drsses and skirts are usually paired with cute flats or boots. She doesn't wear heels too often. Only when completely necessary.
She has a gold necklace with a gold star pendent that her father had given to her a few years ago. She wears it a lot and very rarely takes it off.