Edith Tuft (Werewolf AU)



3 years, 10 months ago


  • Everything's the same but Edith becomes a Werewolf in First Year [1984] during the attack on Hogwarts by Fenrir Greyback.
This event lead Edith and Chiara Lobosca becoming very close during their school years, looking out for one another, agreeing that Remus Lupin needed the Wolfsbane Potion more than they did. Only becoming even closer after Rowan Khanna's death, beginning to become romantically involved their seventh, and finally, year [1991].

Learning of Remus becoming the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts in 1993, the two contacted him to check up on him and to bring up working together towards finding something better that Wolfsbane Potion for their kind. While he could not help to that depth because of the dealings with Harry, he did send what supplies he could after sneaking them away from Snape. This was very hopefully overall as the women were able to get enough seeds to start their own Aconite farm.

Though becoming worried towards the end of the school year when Remus stopped writing them, they were quick to be turned to their own worries as their farm was attacked, forcing them to move their home and make it Unplottable.

They did however open their open their home to Remus until he was ready to move on in helping prepare things for the Order of the Phoenix. Edith and Chiara cracking down to help, as they knew Fenrir Greyback would become more active than ever. Later receiving help from a young werewolf Remus had met during his visits to Arthur Weasley when he was recovering at St Mungo's Hospital.