


5 years, 7 months ago


  1. Former delinquent & banchou who is trying to reform but is having difficulty because he still thinks like a gang boss. 
  2. First instinct is usually murder. 
  3. Surprisingly, usually rather chill and levelheaded. The Cool Confident Type but a hidden Tsundere. 
  4. Semi-secretly likes cute things. 
  5. Outfits are generally either cute or punk. 
  6. Pays a lot of attention to fashion and aesthetics/looking good but also tries really hard to hide the fact that he cares so much. 
  7. Vain. 
  8. Trying to become the student council president so he'll be trusted more but it's. Not going well. 
  9. Smart but not academically unless he tries really hard. 
  10. Wears brass knuckles and specializes in hand-to-hand.
  11.  Incredibly fast and agile. 
  12. Took gymnastics as a kid until he was bullied into quitting. 
  13. Really likes cats. Follows them around and meows at them in public. 
  14. Somehow so skilled at imitating cats that he manages to trick them into believing that he is one. 
  15. Bow is a gift from a little girl that he saved- Will kill you for touching it.
  16. Drummer for Victors & Vices