Hayden Trey



5 years, 7 months ago


“Hmm.. try again later."


Hayden Trey
january 23th
lean, some muscle definition
cis male
chaotic good

"Not lazy, just conversing energy."

deadpan ☆ relaxed ☆ patient ☆ joking ☆ protective
intuitive ☆ lazy ☆ spiteful

Hayden is someone who's usually described to have an odd personality. While conversational, he holds an incredible poker face which, along with a deadpan tone, can make it hard to read his thoughts or if he's interested in the current topic. It's not something really done on purpose, but something he doesn't really try to work on or fix either. As an upside though, he has a rather chill attitude and holds incredible patience. This tends to put him in an awkward spot though if things like arguments break out, because he tries to hold a neutral state of mind and not pick sides or be too opinionated.

Becoming closer with Hayden though would reveal he is actually friendly and rather joking, and more likely to get a smile out of him. He's found though some people find it hilarious when he jokes with the deadpan face and expression, much to his own pleasure. Alongside this, friendship means he becomes incredibly caring and protective, and believes strongly in protecting those close to him. His incredible intuition plays a hand in this, since it helps him get a gut feeling of bad situations or people.

On the more negative side, Hayden struggles with motivation and obligations. He dislikes being forced to do things, from simple things such as taking out the trash to being forced in a social situation he doesn't want to be in. He is also known to hold onto grudges, and despite his patient nature, he is not one to forgive or forget easily if you seriously wrong him or those he cares for. He can be a bit petty and spiteful in this sense as well, since people who have seriously pissed him off are hard to redeem for him past this point.


element: earth
voice: link
world: n/a
origin: n/a
  • phone/video games
  • good food
  • coffee and energy drinks
  • hard candy
  • night time
  • getting to be lazy tbh
  • skateboarding
  • obligations
  • math
  • deep bodies of water
  • strong scents
  • ableists
  • those shitty little kids on xbox
  • cooking


corvid ☆ constellation

Hayden's abilities deprive from the crow constellation, Corvus. With this, his abilities manifest in a unique combination of stars and crow-related attributes which allow for strong magical abilities such as creation of stars and minor gravity manipulation. This manipulation tends to be used regularly, whether for quicker movement or to lighten the load on things he's carrying. His first transformation gave his appearance some minor changes, including new star-shaped freckles across his face that form the constellation Corvus, and a small feathered tail as well as the ability to see more clearly than others in dark areas. In his transformed state, he gains a large pair of wings though as for now he has no means to have these outside of this state. Thankfully though, these wings do give him an advantage in battle situations due to being able to fly up and act as an air support if needed.

gravity - Hayden can adjust his own gravitational field, which includes himself and any inanimate object he is touching or holding. This ability can be used in combat by lessening his own gravity to move quicker, or to lessen the gravity and weight of his hammer then return it to normal or heavier for hard hitting and momentum based attacks.

starlight - Hayden is able to create a small star, which he can either keep in his hand, suspend in the air in a locked place, or suspend in the air to follow him. The stars light can be adjusted, starting off as bright but able to be dimmed. While the star deals no damage, he does have the option to make it 'pop' which causes it to burst with a bright light and may temporarily blind enemies.

spectral familiar - Using a bird skull with the engraved constellation, Hayden is able to summon a giant semi-spectral crow to his aid. This familiar has a starry appearance and 9ft in height, large enough to carry 1 person on its back, and is able to deal damage via its claws or talons. When summoned, it will remain until Hayden either desummons it himself, or if the creature is to reach 0 health.

shooting star - Hayden is able to summon a star, which he can then it with his hammer towards an enemy. The star attaches to its target on a successful hit, and then explodes to deal damage.


• code name: corvus
• weapons: star hammer and crow quills (daggers)

• *note: due to certain oc things, hayden and xaviers stories and relationships technically exist in 2 different universes. hayden is 3 years older than xavier and during his group is 19 while xavier is 16, but in xaviers own personal ship he's 19 while hayden is 22.

• fluent in american sign language due to xavier, usually signs while talking out of habit

• owns a ball python named missy

• 4 piercings in his left ear, and 2 in his right, also has a glow-in-the-dark tongue piercing

• his star freckles make up the constellation corvus

• can skateboard! him and his brother occasionally go out and skate together

• sagiso and him are coworkers at the same flower shop

• while he is capable of being actually a pretty good cook, he doesn't like putting the effort into it


Growing up, Hayden was part of simple but loving family, composed of him with his parents and eventually a younger brother named Xavier. Generally speaking, the family was tight knit and functional, aside from financial issues here and there.

When Hayden was 8 was when the first real complications began. Xavier was 5 during this time, and was the main source of the issue. It started small, with him complaining about frequent headaches here and there. Their parents, due to their financial struggles, simply tried home remedies and such to ease the pain rather than take him to the doctor. It worsened, but Xavier's complaints slowly quieted. The symptoms got worse, such as high fevers and nausea, and their parents hoped perhaps it was just a sickness like the flu and would pass soon. It seemed though his symptoms only grew worse, especially the unrelenting headache. Finally the issues were too abundant to ignore, and so Xavier was taken to a doctor. It was found out he was actually suffering from meningitis, and while the hospital treatments gave him a smooth recovery, his hearing suffered and he went deaf.

This caused a bit more strain on the family, both due to money and now the fact they would have to navigate the younger's newer complications. While it caused a slight rift between their parents, it drew Hayden and Xavier even closer. Hayden took up learning ASL alongside Xavier and worked to help him cope with his new found disability, even if he himself didn't entirely understand. Over the years their bond tightened from this, and lead to the elder becoming a bit more protective of his brother during their teen years. Generally where Xavier went, he followed. He acted as a translator for the other in public and did his best to help with accommodations that were needed.

His awakening followed unfortunate events of his own however. It was originally meant to be a simple day at the beach with his family, complete with a picnic on the sand and playing in the water. It was starting to wind down when he decided to swim out alone, letting the rest of his family relax on the beach. Unfortunately for him, Hayden became careless and so was pulled away from the main shore via a rip tide. The feeling of drifting further from the beach and unable to swim back caused him to panic, and ultimately it began to pull him under to the point he started drowning. The panic and sudden fear sparked a reaction from him he had never really experienced, and caused his powers to awaken for the first time. It was poor timing though, since the wings and new changes only added to his panic and weighed him down further.

By the time he was rescued, his powers had subsided once more along with his consciousness, but his parents had seen what had happened even if it was not entirely clear. His hospital stay lasted a few days, and during the time complications at home grew. When he finally was admitted back home, it wasn't long before questioning came from his parents about his apparent powers. They were unsure what they had seen, but surely it had been something, hadn't it? Unsure how else to handle the situation, he activated them once more in hopes it would ease the tension, but truthfully only made things worse. He decided it would be best to retreat to his room, where he spent time with Xavier who tried his best to comfort him. It was difficult though, being able to hear the arguing down the hall. The rift between his parents had grown more than he'd truthfully realized, and it seemed the recent events were the final nail in the coffin. It wasn't long after before a divorce was filed, and their mother took her leave. She still loved her family, but the pressure had grown too much to bear, leaving Hayden's father alone with his two sons.

Eventually he got a part-time job of his own to help with finances, and tried to resume his life as normal. His powers for a while was something he tried much to not really think about, only truly confining into Xavier when small glimpses came about here and there. One day though he was approached with a suggestion from his brother, something about an organization. Xavier had been doing his own digging, wanting to find ways to help or if there were others similar to him, and to give him the support Hayden had given him the majority of his life. At first he was hesitant to really entertain the idea, but after a bit he caved and decided to call himself in. Arrangements were made for him to meet up with another organization member, and to follow along to what would be his recruitment.


Myeong Dent

[ boyfriend ] Myeong means a lot to him, and he really genuinely loves him. He tends to draw more genuine reactions out of Hayden's usually deadpan personality, and generally just makes him feel good all around. He's rather protective over the other and keeps an eye out for Myeong's safety in fights, but likes to make sure he gives Myeong his space as well.


Xavier Trey

[ brother ] Hayden's extremely protective over Xavier. They still mess and fuck around like usual brother's, but Hayden usually makes sure to keep an eye out for Xavier. They usually hang out together pretty often, and Hayden usually translates for him when they're in public.


Sagiso Serafini

[ coworker, best friend ] He thinks Sagiso is awesome really. The two met when they started working together and got along pretty well. It furthered when both of them ended up in Noctix with no other correlation. He likes hanging out with her and being a bit of a tease while she makes sure he keeps himself up somewhat.


Haru Kimura

[ friend ] They're not particularly close, but he enjoys Haru's presence. Xe is moreso Myeong's friend than his and they actually met through him. He thinks xe is sweet though and tries to be mindful of xems needs.
