


5 years, 7 months ago


Icarus is a Flyena Spook, a varient of the flyena where they have seen awful things, and as such gain a branding based off of what was seen. He is very jittery and aloof, and cannot or the life of him fall asleep in a dark place. He is also mute, as whatever happened to him scrambled his brain so much that he cannot grasp words.

Now, what happened?
While not much is known, something was discovered during the night, as he thought out loud what he had seen....
"You have felt the space tremble before you saw it.
The beat of its wings, its multitude of hooves and paws could push celestial bodies off their trajectories.
It passed you so fast that the void seemed to burn away. Hurt and scared and fallen, just like you would soon be.
You have never seen it before and yet somehow you knew it.
Somewhere in their hearts, all flyenas do.
If only you could find it and help it, maybe the world of Racrar could yet be saved.

Masterlist Entry: https://www.deviantart.com/tfr-masterlist/art/Spook-22-770699578