


5 years, 7 months ago



Powers: None.

Abilities: Good Communication Skills, Multitasking, Agile, Money Management, High stamina and Balancing things.

Occupation: Owner Of REDish.

Location: Neo-New York | Two bedroom Loft Apartment.

Family: Father, Nicholas Norris, 60 yrs old.
Mother, Stefanie Norris, 57 yrs old.
Younger Brother, Noah Norris, 23 yrs old.
Younger Sister, Stacy Norris, 21 yrs old.

Tattoos/Markings: Few stretchmarks on his lower back, Unnoticeable scars on his arms and legs.

Goals: Helping out others/Eventually settling down.

Fears: Squeamish of severe broken bones/bloody situations.

Alignment: Neutral Good.

Marital status: Single | Crushing.

Love Interest: Juliet (NuttyButty)

  • Charming.
  • Sociable.
  • Resourceful.
  • Generous.
  • Dependable.
  • Attentive.
  • Encouraging.
  • Hard-working.
  • Protective.
  • Kind.

Alex Rodriguez

(Childhood friend)
Their fathers worked together and they lived next to each other, they got along and became best friends, To this they they still hang out often when they have free time.


Lê Cassidy" Thơ

Sweet girl, helped her when she needed a job and kept her ever since. Sometimes she can be a little too much but he's very thankful to have her energetic self on his team.


Liam Chen

Little bit of a slacker but they are very well mannered and decent, Chris admires his dedication to the craft even when lacking in other departments, mostly cleaning his messes...


Logan Latidos

(Employee/Best friend)
Met back when Chris just opened REDish, He was the first employee, didn't take long for them to befriend each other. They do hang out every now and again.


Domino Ly

A bit of a pain, but he's good at what he does, has a knack to attract both customers and Trouble, but he's still a pretty good bouncer so Chris let's the occasional mischief behavior slide.

  • Easily maintained plants.
  • Upbeat music.
  • Spending time with his siblings.
  • Harmless humour.
  • Autumn time.
  • Helping others as much as he can.
  • Listening to others talk.
  • Jogging.
  • Mint chocolate.
  • Animals (especially dogs).
  • Seeing loved ones hurt.
  • Talking about his father.
  • Rude People.
  • Anything gore related or bloody.
  • Cheesecake.
  • Furry rugs.
  • Skin tight clothes.
  • Arguments.
  • Most sour candies.
  • Lying/Being lied to.

Chris pretty much grew up in a very busy but loving home, his father is a well known plastic surgeon and his mother was an accountant with the privilege of working from home which also meant she could spend more time with him and his siblings.

He grew up much like his siblings with many options and nice things but as the oldest his father also pushed the idea of him becoming a doctor onto him because almost everyone on his dad's side was in the medical field. Chris had top grades and was that one kid who'd befriend everyone he crossed paths with but only one kid stuck out and became his best friend: Alex, the two were inseparable, if it wasn't for the opposite schools they went to they would have been attached to the hip all day.

He graduated high school with flying colors and got into medical school, now he wasn't very into the idea because he disliked blood and gore and was rather sensitive to most of those things but he stilled tried, after his first year he called it quits which did cause a bit of an sour atmosphere between him and his father and went into business management. After getting his degree his mother happily helped him as he opened up his own night club REDish, naturally it took some time before it got attention.

But today the club is going strong, he has a decent staff behind his back and he tries to help other small businesses as much as his mother helped him with his own.

  • Played a little bit of football back in highschool. 
  • Very close to his siblings and spends time with them when he can even if it's just taking them to dance class or ice skating.
  • Not the most interesting fact but he can touch his tongue to his elbows.
  • Got both his ears pierced around his early 20's and use to wear studs for a while before changing them.
  • Doesn't talk to his father much, just enough to keep the peace in the house, mainly because his dad does often bring up how he could have been a great doctor.

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