Gabriel Patience



5 years, 7 months ago


A shy warlock who's still going through an existential crisis about his role in the realm of witchcraft... Gabriel's bent on "natural witchcraft". His specialties include: making potions and remedies of any kind, performing rituals, and casting spells. He's a nerdy warlock who loves to learn about anything related to witchcraft.  He has a voodoo mom and ancestry, and he can do a bunch of nasty voodoo things: make voodoo dolls, perform voodoo rituals, cast curses... But that's just not his thing. 

Gabriel is that voice of reason everyone likes to hear... But as far as his personnal life is concerned, he's terrible at making choices. He also gets carried away by his emotions real quick, that contributes to his poor decision-making skills.

He's friend and roomate with Nicholas, who's also a warlock. They complete each other abilities, meaning Nicholas helps him with what Gabriel's not good at, like telekinesis and telepathy for instance.

Gabriel currently works at a pseudo-esoteric shop, run by an old lady who should have retired long ago and who has extreme views on witchcraft, so Gabriel just falls in line when she's around. Still, she's often gone giving conferences or private lessons about spirituaity, so Gabriel kind of has the shop for himself.


  • Full name: Maxence (2nd name) Gabriel Patience
  • Age: 21
  • Race & nationality: French (father side)/African (mother side), Gabriel's from Benin
  • Sexuality: Demisexual biromantic
  • Height: 1m75, lanky build
  • Distinctive features: has vitiligo, brown hair with dark roots and lighter streaks at the tips, blue eyes, sigils tattooes on the back of his left hand and back, pentagram on the chest, Loko's symbol on the ribs (right side), lil eggs behind right arm, wears two golden rings on each ear, burns marks in both palms

Personality traits

  • shy - kind-hearted -  emotional - curious - introvert - strong-willed - awkward - nervous around people BUT relaxes when once he feels comfortable enough - patient - loves to share his knowledge about witchcraft - excited learner - optimistic - focused - overreacts when upset

Gabriel was born to a mambo mom and a warlock dad, and his parents really had an open mind about it and didn't hide anything from him because witchcraft had run in their ancestry for so long. They didn't push Gabriel into it, preferring him manifesting his natural abilities first rather than forcing them out of him. However they started to wonder if the witchy gene had not skipped a generation because Gabriel didn't manifest anything until... Quite late. So one night when he was sleeping he just experienced astral projection in the most accidental and catastrophic way and he couldn't go back into his body. Good thing his parents were experienced and managed to bring him back.

So after that things just go crazy, he is initiated into voodoo by his mom, and his dad teaches him more natural knowledge and abilities in the most intensive ways. But voodoo's just not for him, and he's not getting good with other abilities either. So he starts learning things on his own, at his own rhythm. He also starts studying anthropolgy at college, but he has hard times managing his studies, witchcraft learning, and the tension in his household so he eventually drops out of college. 

Now he has moved in with Nicholas, and honestly that does him real good because he's far from the pressure his parents were putting on him and he can finally focus on what he likes to do, while working at that stupid shop to pay the rent and provide some of the witchy stuff.


  • Potions making: ★  ★  ★  ★  ★_ Whatever your affliction is, he's got something in store for it ! 
  • Spells and incantations: ★  ★  ★  ★  ★_ Results are guaranteed.
  • Voodoo craft: ★  ★  ★  ★  ☆_ Does it occasionely, knows a bunch of nasty and creepy stuff.
  • Bare hand healing: ★  ★  ★  ★  ☆_ He heals peope by thouching them, it's pretty exhausting but he can easily lessen any kind of pain, has to wash his hands afterwards otherwise said pains will afflict him.
  • Palm reading: ★  ★  ★  ☆  ☆_ As accurate as... As it can be.
  • Tarot reading: ★  ★  ★  ☆  ☆_ Hope you have time for long and messy explanations, but it usually worth it.
  • Aura reading: ★  ★  ★  ☆  ☆_ Pretty clear to him, actually uses that to bond with people.
  • Mediumship: ★  ★  ★  ☆  ☆_ Although he can't see ghosts and spirits, he can clearly feel their presence. 
  • Automatic writing: ★  ★  ★  ☆  ☆_ Not really writing, he rather gets lots of drawings and ritual indications
  • Hypnosis: ★  ★  ★  ☆  ☆Currently practising it with good results so far, he's also super receptive when being hypnotised
  • Divination: ★  ★  ☆  ☆  ☆_ Not as crystal clear as it should be...
  • Mind-reading: ★  ★  ☆  ☆  _ Kind of happens accidentally... So yeah, he hears things he doesn't want to.
  • Telepathy: ★  ★  ☆  ☆  _ Can't do it unless it's with Nicholas, but Gabriel can't start calls.
  • Fortune telling: ★  ★  ☆  ☆  ... He's trying his best okay.
  • Telekinesis: ★  ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆_ Things break, a lot.
  • Pyrokinesis:  ★  ☆  ☆  ☆  _ DONT LET HIM DO THAT
  • Clairvoyance: ★  ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆_ More like blindvoyance.
  • Astral projection: ★  ☆  ☆  ☆  _ First experience was a total accident, he's kind of afraid to give it another try.
  • Descensum: ★  ☆  ☆  ☆  ☆_ Ehh... He's propbably not ready for that yet.


  • The blue-eyed leucistic ball python is actually his familiar. She's named Medusa.
  • He has a pet silkie chicken named Socrates. It was originally meant to be used for a voodoo ritual but he rescued it when it was just a chick.
  • He's vegetarian.
  • He's a hopeless romantic. He crushes on people super easily, sometimes on multiple people at once. But those never last long.
  • He casts a spell every week to prevent accidental astral projection when he sleeps.
  • Smoke weeds sometimes... Because you know, "it has therapeutic properties".
  • Wear black nail polish but it always ends up chipped, he doesn't even bother to remove it. 
  • The burns marks on his hands are from his voodoo kando initiation ritual. 
  • In voodoo culture, he's still a hounsi (apprentice, lowest rank) and his mom is his initiator. Since he moved out he's been learning a lot and fast, but he still needs guidance to perfect his learnings.
  • At the moment he's leaving voodoo aside. The reason he doesn't perform voodoo rituals and spells is because of the animal sacrifices they usually involve.
  • The tattoo on his ribs is Loko's vévé (symbol). In voodoo culture, Loko is the lwa (spirit) of nature and vegetation. He gives leaves and herbs their healing properties. Gabriel thinks of Loko as his guide for personal and spiritual development. 
  • Doesn't hesitate to use magic to solve his personal problems and life issues.

a e s t h e t i c
