Adrien (Furry)



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Adrien Kingston
Age 15
Birthday May 12
Gender Male
Height 5'11
Weight 100 lbs
Species Angora Rabbit
Voice Claim Eli
Sexuality Pansexual
Relationship N/A


  • Singing
  • Crafting
  • Cinnamon Rolls
  • Bitter Foods


  • Getting Wet
  • Most Sweets
  • Heights
  • One-on-One interactions


  • Even though he's really shy, he does not suffer from stage fright
  • He's scared of Spiders, Closed spaces, and Being Rejected
  • He enjoys Volley Ball and Crafting in his free time
  • He HATES getting wet, and will attempt to dry off as fast as he can
  • He is crap at science and writing, even though he loves Poetry.
  • Can be VERY hyper. Don't give him coffee.
  • He loves bitter foods, and actually doesn't like most sweet foods
  • The tips of his ears and tail are softer than the rest of his fur
  • He is Korean and American.
  • His nose twitches furiously when he's anxious.
  • He looks up to his brother, and adores him
  • Speaks Fluent Korean
  • Despite not liking sweets, there is one exception, cinnamon rolls.
  • When he types or texts he uses a lot of dots
  • He's REALLY attracted to people taller than him. He will get flustered by anyone taller than him, and be 10x more anxious and shy when talking to them at first.
  • Doesn't care if his name is spelt "adrien" or "adrian"
  • He will play around a lot with his brother, and a little with his friends, but it's very rare and minimal with anyone but his brother
  • His adopted parents decided to keep his last name, and let him decide on if he will keep it or not when he turned 13, he decided to switch between the two when it comes to casual situations, but with legal stuff he uses Kingston.
  • He enjoys poetry
  • He hates heights, and flying in general
  • He's really anxious and can start crying easily


Personality Traits

Positive Traits

  • Conciliatory
    No matter how angry he gets over something, you will never be able to see it in how he acts, he excels at calming himself, though this isn't the same case with his excitement, as that is abit harder for him to maintain.
  • Decisive
    He is quick to make decisions no matter the time frame, however if it's the right decision is up to fate
  • Peaceful
    Adrien doesn't confront people or express negative emotions openly, as he doesn't like to cause trouble or hurt others in any way.

Neutral Traits

  • Dramatic
    Though a good trait when it comes to preforming, he can get little over board with showing his positive emotions and how much they affect him.
  • Impressionable
    He can be told things and it will skew his decisions if given the chance. Sometimes leading to him mimicking things he's seen.

Negative Traits

  • Shy
    This is not very noticeable when he's on stage, but he is overly shy when it comes to talking with people face to face..
  • Anxious
    He typically will over think things that are going to happen, or that he's been told if it may have a negative affect.
  • Procrastinator
    Usually coming through when he doesn't want to do something, pushing off to the side to do things he'd much rather do.


Main [ #FFDCF4 ]


Ear tips + Hair Outer [ #96C3EA ]


Ear tips Inner [ #D7E3ED ]


Hair Inner + Freckles [ #7E78B7 ]


Flesh [ #F9D0C3 ]


Right Eye [ #5D1720 ]


Left Eye [ #F5EFBD ]

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