Zen Cenzo



5 years, 7 months ago


Zen Cenzo

Age: ??? (Died at 22)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1"
Species: Parasitick (Host Z)
Birthdate: August 9th
Orientation: Pansexual

[ Personality ]
Sagacious || Patient || Appreciative || Reserved || Guiding || Placid || Superstitious || Hesitant || Lonely

[ Trivia ]
~Her headcanon voice is Marceline.

~Zen spends her time playing the guitar and practicing with it. It's her favorite hobby.

~She plays her guitar in the graveyard often, she feels like if she plays and sings there, those gone that are around her can hear her play and she could soothe them with her music.

~She likes to sing while playing her guitar.

~Zen feels like she won't ever be able to pass on, but she's ultimately ok with it, there's lots to see in the world of the living so may as well enjoy time there without worrying about leaving.

~She helps guide others to passing on and hopes to always get them well on their way. It's a sad time for her but its a sappy kind of sad because they're moving on.

~She tends to play melancholic songs to fit the somber mood of where she stays at.

~Her home is a small place just a bit away from the graveyard she usually plays her guitar in.

~She likes the soft light of candles and the mood it creates so her small home is usually lit up with a candle instead of electrical lights.

~Zen tends to believe in superstitions going around and she tries to keep to them like trying to not break a mirror or walk under ladders and such.

~Her house seems to be a bit of a disorganized mess, she swears she tries to clean up but it ends up a mess again. She doesn't really expect anyone to swing by anyways so.

~She has more traditional ways of things, like instead of using a washing machine, she'll wash her clothes with a washboard. She also prefers to use candles over electricity to light her little home.

~She dislikes grapefruits and anything grapefruit related. Tastes too bitter and sour for her.

~The hassle of changing guitar strings is something she dislikes.

~A friend that she vaguely remembers used to call her Zenny, and hearing anyone refer to her as that just starts to bring back memories for her but she can't quite recall who her friend was.

[ Relationships ]
None at the moment!

[ Traits ]
~ Parasitick Traits ~
Color: N/A
Substance: Ghost (+30 RP)
Eyes: 2 (+2 RP)
Mutations: N/A
Ranking: 32

~ Host Traits ~ Host: Z
Intact Percentage: 70% (+1 RP)
Eyes: Rotten
Head Side-Fins: Angel (+4 RP)
Head Top-Fin: N/A
Skin Pattern: N/A
Mutations: Unnatural Skin (+30 RP), Quad Eyes (+20 RP)
Ranking: 55