Virgil Tristen



5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Male (He/Him)


15/22 (It's complicated,)






Lawful Good


Naive | Oblivious | Kind | Cheerful | Amiable | Loyal


Virgil Tristen, more affectionately called Virg, is a bright-eyed young man with a heart of gold. He's kind and trusting to a fault, as he truly believes that people deserve the benefit of the doubt and second chances. At his best he's selfless and empathetic, and at his worst he can be sensitive and easily swayed by his emotions. His naivety has definitely led him into troubling situations, but his innocence can also be a breath of fresh air.

He hails from Everguard, a small town situated close to the Northeastern mountains of Finnaife. He lived happily with his family consisting of his parents and his older siblings, living fairly peacefully as the son of two cooks. There were many odd incidents in his upbringing- particularly vivid dreams and random bits of magic that he seemed naturally predisposed to- but nothing too awfully concerning. Just... a little weird.

Later in his life, the oddball child would find himself idolizing the local town guard. In particular, he admired a certain elven captain, and soon came under his tutelage. He would prove to be a talented student. Despite his tendancy towards well-intentioned mischief and innocent unawareness, he had plenty of passion, dedication, and kindness.

His innocence would lead him to a chance meeting with a golden dragon, which he aided. It had to leave not long after, leaving him with a single scale as a keepsake. Fate would have it that on his 15th birthday, a vision would call out to him, and the scale would be emblazoned with the symbol of Torm. Virgil heeded the call and set out to join the guild, because after all, becoming an adventurer was surely the best way to find and help people in need!

Since setting off on his adventure, Virgil has made new friends that are very dear to him, but also learned a considerable amount about himself. He's discovered that his teacher's warnings about adventure not being as glamorous as it seemed were very true, but he still carries on in spite of all the things he's had to experience.

After the incident with the ghost sheep and aging several years forward, Virgil has had to put much more thought and consideration into his perception of the world and himself. He's learned that he's not human, and that many happenings in his life are attributed to the fact that he matters somehow to gods that are beyond his comprehension. These discoveries are confusing and frightening, but again, he carries on. Special or not, he set out to help people because that was what he wanted to do, even if it originally wasn't intended at such a large scale. Virgil, understanding what it's like the grow up peacefully surrounded by people he loves, wants to protect that idea, and let others have the peace needed to pursue that sort of happy life.