Basic Info






Bokua (Summon Spirit)






Spirit Realm


Summon Spirit


Mother: Manx Father: Arwyn



Sexual Orientation


Featured in

Everan and Estelle's Quest (In Progress)

Voice Headcanon

Charlize Theron ("Monkey" in this scene. She's practically the same Character XD )

Story song

Estelle: First Verse, Jierah: Second Verse. Red Like Roses Part 2 (RWBY)


A powerful summon spirit who had contempt for Over-worlders. In her opinion, Over-Worlders were selfish and unworthy of help.

She kept this opinion until she met Estelle. This opinion wasn't changed immediately, but over time she found herself growing more and more attached to her. 

She struck up a taboo relationship with her superior, Haru, one that he innitiated and not she. but she couldn't help but fall for this "Doofus Faced" (her words) of an High Guardian Arian. She found him charming and cute, and it was obvious he was head-over-paws for her. 

Late in her quest with Estelle, she fell pregnant with Haru's child. Knowing the high council would kill her, Haru, and her baby, she frantically tried to hide the fact she was expecting. Although she tried to tell Haru about it, she could never seem to get him in private to tell him. The day before she and Estelle was to defeat The Great Jakku, she went to the nesting grounds and laid the egg that was to hatch into her cub in about a week's time. She didn't get proper rest, and as a result she was unable to save Estelle from her grusome death at the claws of The Great Jakku. She now faced a tough decision, go back to the spirit realm and wait for her cub to hatch, or give up her own life force to revive Estelle so she may save her world. She chose the latter, assuming she was as good as dead anyway, not to say that it wasn't a difficult decision, it was... but in the moment she felt the lives of many outweighed the life of one.

It wasn't long until Haru was being shown the Summon Spirit nesting ground by his superior- and they happened upon Jierah's nest, where baby Everan soon hatched.