Nakagawa Hiyori



5 years, 6 months ago


♡ Basic Info ♡
Name Hiyori Nakagawa (なかがわひより)
Nickname Hiyorin (ひよりん)
Age 16 Years Old
Birthday October 28
Height 1,49 cm
Gender Feminine
Species Nekomimi/Youkai
Origin Kyoto, Japan
Ethnicity Japanese
Blood Type A+
Orientation Heterossexual
Occupation N/A
Status Dating
Abiliity/Skill Summon small Youkais
  • Sleep
  • Hugs
  • Winter
  • Animals
  • Cupcakes
  • Rude People
  • Storms
  • Darkness
  • She lives in an apartment alone, while her parents are in the neighboring city, after the border
  • Are very afraid of thunder and the dark, when she or Hideki know it is going to rain, he goes to her apartment to be by her side
Cheerful . Affectionate . Shy . A little curious

Even without knowing her, she is already a little playful, lively and shy, who will always protect her friends even though she is small and weak.

She is also a little lazy and loves to sleep, but that is only after doing all the day's duties. He likes to cook sweets, desserts, knows how to make a delicious cupcake.

Likes cute and pastel things. There are several teddy bears and pink things scattered around the apartment.


For years there was war and chaos spread across the world, due to the divergence between the species: Humans and Youkais

Each side wanted to be able and exterminate each other, until finally, after so many deaths and devastated cities, they reached an agreement. A barrier between kingdoms, separating humans from youkais for decades

Until nowadays, after months of planning, they believed that it would be good to finally join the two species, living in just one society. And for that to happen, they created a school, where human and youkai students would be accepted, where they could study from subjects with magic, to normal subjects

Maki | Childhood friend
They were very close as children, as they grew up they got a little bit apart but luckily they still keep in touch.

She wouldn't be able to get away from Hiyori, the two have a .... "strong connection".

Maki is optimistic, a little bossy and very calm, but when she gets angry (which is rare), she is in a bad mood for hours

Pokka | Special Friend

It was her first summoned youkai as a child, since then she has always been with him, talking or playing together

He doesn't consider him as "just a youkai" but as his most special friend, besides Maki, he was also by your side in difficult times