Draven Nerezza



5 years, 7 months ago


🦇 Age: 17

🦇 Height: 5'0

🦇 Vampire

🦇 Playlist: Weaving Vines


🦇 He/Him

🦇 While a vampire, he possesses little to no vampire traits, or, at least any anyone deems 'cool' or 'useful'. He lacks extra strength, speed, and pretty much anything else that comes with being a vampire, save for his daily need of 'gross' blood substitutes and imperviousness to most minor damage.  

🦇 He used to be bullied relentlessly for being deemed too plain and alike a normal weak human. He found a friend in a semi-merboy named Caspian, throwing a pun his way and gaining someone who'd stay by his side no matter what. Including Draven's own turn at bullying when finally given a chance to 'turn the tables onto someone else for once'. He's becoming a better person as of late, sincerely apologizing to those he taunted and changing his ways to be a nicer vampire.  

🦇 Has had a crush on Caspian since the first day he met him, running away from his feelings and forcing himself to crush and flirt on anybody he could to avoid fully falling for the one person he would never chase away. Later after a confession to a crush gone wrong, Caspian tried cheering him up with a sleepover, and in doing so they discovered they were soulmates essentially.

🦇 Likes cuddling with Caspian, puns, fashion (but don't tell Caspian's sisters), singing, and performing onstage.

🦇 His favorite music ranges between musical soundtracks, symphonies, and lo-fi hiphop.