Snephora's Comments

I love this, here is an offering for the great Snephora.


Dear lord that is wonderful

Thank you

*Bows* You're welcome. I'm glad this pleases you and the great Snephora. 

It is most wonderful. Snephora is most pleased.

If  Serious Sirius, Mighty Midas, Stunning Snephora, Dane, Darth Fvexxt, and Xord where offered a battle, and whoever won would take the crown and rule all of toyhouse, who would accept and who would win?

Also, in a less violent scenario, Basil, Aldebaran, Connor, Daniel, Archibald, and Madlyn get in a dance fight, with the winner being crowned coolest OC, who would win?

I need to figure out who I should win the favor of for when they inevitably take power. 

Hm.....Sirius would accept just because he'd feel obligated too but he'd immediately be annoyed with all the stupid arguments that wold take place. Midas would accept without a doubt. Snephora would accept because Snephora is the all powerful Snephora. Dane would accept, so would Fvexxt, and Xord would do it to try to impress Quix.

Snephora would win, because she is Snephora.

Hm...that depends. Madyln is the most skilled dancer. Archibald is close. Daniel is a pretty good dancer. Aldebaran cant dance to save his life. Connor cant either but oh boy he would. And Basil would try so hard.

Basil would win because everyone loves him and hes adorable.

Aha a very wise move. So now I must ask the same

But lets put Eleezo, Cryn, Aaron, Damain, Fontaine, and Retro in an arena for the same reward. Who would win?

Now, for the dance one: Hyssop, Grayson, Jonah, Sigh, Eli, Hyde, and Kalani. Who would win?

36 Replies