


5 years, 5 months ago


✦ Ravinder
Name Ravinder, "Ravi"
Gender Male (he/him)
Age 60s-70s
Skills Telekinesis
Theme Ching Chime by Serj Tankian
Story Ghost Apocalypse
✦ a pacifist weapon

There are spirits in everything. Usually you don’t see them — the things we call “ghosts” are spirits that were corrupted by the unpleasant aura of some ill-fated death. Most spirits are harmless and don’t haunt, and eventually we figured out we could use them to power things.
When the final war broke out, living armies marched out alongside scores of robots. As huge numbers of people were slaughtered, many spirits became corrupted by these sudden deaths and found that, rather than being restricted to lowering the temperature and whispering ominously, these spirits were surrounded by powerful war-machine shells, built specifically to hold them.

...So now there are ghost-robots everywhere.

Ravinder is one of the survivors of this apocalypse. Here's his tag on tumblr!

married to Chella
Extreme Pacifist
His religion forbids using ghost-powered technology (as it regards spirits as beings that must be treated with respect)
asked to serve in the war in some other capacity; government was happy to oblige by experimenting on him
he now has extremely powerful telekinesis that he may or may not be in perfect control of?????
a bit naive
surprisingly upbeat about being an escaped government weapon
probably still on the run from whatever agency the government contracted to handle the psychic human weapon project

profile html by Hukiolukio