Toxic Pink



5 years, 7 months ago


Full Name: Toxic pink Hassly Gillywee

Nickname / Code Name: Pink, Toxic

Gender: Female

Species: Pony, earth

Age: 28

Birthday: Unknown 

Theme Song: None yet

Weapon of Choice: Toxic gas, poison, anything toxic

Sexual Preference: Straight 

Family: Unknown

Spouse: None

Crush: None

Boyfriend / Girlfriend / Gender-neutral Chibi-thing: None

Children: None

Friends: Bottle spice, Archer, Bright eyes

Pets: None


            Hair: Gray brown, soft and well kept

            Eyes: Pinky Red, no emotion showing 

            Skin tone: Very light pink fur

            Height: 5'9

            Build: Strong, tone, not easy to move

            Birthmarks/Freckles/Scars: Darker.                           patches or freckles on her cheeks 

            Other: Cutie mark being a gas mask.                       surrounded by a cloud of pink gas. 

Fashion Sense / Dress Style: Laced up boots, balck shirt and brown work coat. Pink gas mask. Mark worn almost all the time, other clothing less so

Personality: Unfeeling and unemotional. She seems calm all the time, almost in an unsettling way. 

Likes: Learning of different chemical balances to make her toxic gasses, liquid and more. Her mask. The color pink. Chocolate. The sound of rain.

Dislikes: Her work being messed with. Herself getting hurt by her toxic making. She doesn't like clingy friends or too many questions. People asking about her being left hooved 

Strengths: Using her left hoof, making toxic anything, buying good gas masks 

Weaknesses: Her right hood, not liking music while working, her emotionless 

Habits: None 

Interests: Chemical mixing, toxic animals, the venom and poison of creatures 

Talents / Skills: Creating toxic items, creating amazing chemical mixtures 

Trades / Aspiration: Scientist at the lab

Background / History: When Pink was young she started seeing different chemicals working; from soap to acid she found them amazing and started to learn as much as she could. 

Brief History of School Experience: She was a wonder at science and math, though art was not her strong suit.

Other / Other Facts: She deeply loves all dangerous creatures, wanting to learn about them to harness their strengths 


           Art: Here and here -

            Writing: Work in progress, not posted

            Roleplay: NOPE