Cortana Akasha



5 years, 5 months ago


Operator, no! Have you lost your mind?!
Cortana Akasha
Operator, Sparky, Kiddo
September 13th
wiry and rectangular
Voice Claim
Kimiko Glenn
meanwhile a man was falling from space
as he hit the earth I left this place

This is where you put your text. This box scrolls. Remember the < p > tags. Coding the quote above made me cry. You don't even know, man. It was awful. Nothing was working and I had Wonderwall on repeat. But I figured it out, like I always do. Also, I listened to Dissolve about 130 times while making this code. It only took 3 days to code, so do the math. I think it was worth it though. You should listen to Switchblade Symphony. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc mollis ipsum id hendrerit tincidunt. Integer id velit molestie, feugiat tellus a, tincidunt est. Nunc aliquam elit vel accumsan ultrices.

  • Bird :)
  • the rest of her friends
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Mercy
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • vegetables

  • Cortana's signature weapon is her pistol, Terminus: an old Earth gun that once belonged to her father. It was left on the ruined Zariman for years uncountable to soak in the same Void energy that empowers Cortana herself. Terminus has long since run out of actual ammunition, but that does not stop Cortana from using it to fire bullets made of pure Void unlight.
  • Most of her hair is a purple-tinted black. The longest three or so inches of her hair get stained bright purple as she channels the Void. She was born with dark brown hair and brown eyes, both of which were empurpled after her deal with the Indifference.
  • She owns a terrarium full of isopods. One of them is named Steve; the rest are named Santiago. Steve is the worst one.
  • Incidentally, she has very little impulse control. If something seems like a good idea to her, she's usually doing it before anyone can object... such as filling a box with bugs and making them her pets.


Write here. You can add more with < p > tags. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lobortis urna id auctor ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas consequat commodo erat sit amet cursus. Etiam blandit vehicula risus. Nulla hendrerit tortor sed porta congue. Integer erat nunc, malesuada ut augue quis, luctus vestibulum felis. Sed nec dui tincidunt, ornare risus vitae, interdum sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla iaculis vulputate sem, quis porta arcu. Etiam varius, magna id placerat finibus, nibh ex aliquet tortor, ut eleifend justo diam quis nunc.

Ut lobortis viverra neque, et dapibus leo bibendum et. Pellentesque sit amet fringilla magna. Vivamus est arcu, dictum sit amet quam sit amet, tempor gravida sapien. Pellentesque non gravida mauris, et condimentum risus. Phasellus quis volutpat ligula. Nam nunc nisi, mollis at vehicula in, pretium vitae mi. Mauris non lectus commodo, vulputate dui id, congue tortor.


Sed vel quam dignissim mi tincidunt vulputate. Ut et velit sit amet velit lobortis dapibus sit amet vitae nunc. Sed massa sem, vehicula aliquam fringilla et, vulputate ut libero. Phasellus congue urna sed metus condimentum, id rhoncus dolor euismod. Vestibulum rutrum ut libero nec porta. Aenean congue cursus faucibus. Ut non sapien ut urna imperdiet gravida sit amet ut ligula. Sed ornare est neque, et laoreet nunc vestibulum eu. Donec molestie neque vel iaculis interdum. Suspendisse id est eu leo porttitor viverra non vel augue.

Design and Appearance Notes
  • When she's using her powers, her eyes and the purple tips of her hair glow.
  • The hair on the sides of her head is very short. She keeps the rest of her hair in a ponytail - it's often grimy. To everyone's dismay, she's not the best at showering.
  • She is not white! She's a character from a game set in a hypothetical distant future of our own solar system, and is descended from people who used to live in India.
  • Her chest is mostly flat and she has basically nothing in the hip or booty department either. When left to her own devices, she often forgets to eat.
  • Almost all the clothes she owns are black. She does not like skirts, dresses, or showing much skin.

paradox double

it's so complicated.

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