


5 years, 7 months ago



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Design Notes

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Adaptable : Willing to face what is coming, Cardinal is quite adaptable to any form of change. She's quite open to any new challenge or changing situation, and she looks at it with a smile on her face. She refuses to think of whatever she must do as something she cannot succeed in or fight through, such as an extremely harsh winter or a rather big task.
+ Clear-headed : No matter what may be coming, or how much stress is put on her, Cardinal is quite clear-headed. She keeps an open mind to any suggestion and is usually always thinking coherently and logically. This reduces her chances of making a really bad choice or mistake, however she isn't perfect and sometimes she just makes the wrong choice.
+ Insightful : She's pretty understanding of most situations, and with her clear mind and adaptability, she can usually bend and step into the paws of others to see things from their perspectives. This makes her a pretty useful cat for someone to speak to with problems, and she doesn't mind the feeling of being relied upon for good advice or comforting, understanding words. It makes her feel warm inside and she's confident in her words.

=  Mellow : Cardinal is a fairly mellow she-cat, not one to get angered or rilled up easily. She doesn't jump directly to conflict with her lack of fighting-passion and temper. She keeps quite cool and looks into things with her own unique perspective. However, this isn't useful all the time, for sometimes she can be too soft on others when she tries to be stern in some way.

=  Obedient : She always listens to what she's told by her superiors; but mostly only her superiors. Although obedient and does, what she's told, she doesn't always depending on who's ordering her and their rank. She usually complies with a got-it kind of attitude, jumping to the task immediately or as soon as possible.
=  Smooth : Cardinal does have a bit of a silver-tongue and with her clear-mind and insightful ways, she can usually figure out what the rights words to say to another would be to get something or get around it. Her adaptability can also help if things don't work out as planned. However, she isn't always the smoothest talker and can be seen through her sly words.

-  Conformist :  Cardinal understands her rules and limitations throughout her life and rankings, and as a conformist, she complies to all of them. She follows them as true as she can, and if she breaks one on purpose or by accident, she feels quite wretched about it. What comes from being a conformist, is that if new rules are applied that one would call unjust or unfair, it's in Cardinal's nature to accept them and let that be.
-  Naive : Yeah, sometimes Cardinal's a little too innocent than she should be. Her mellow trait adds on to it, and the two work together to soften out the tall, silver-tongued she-cat to a point where she can be a bit of a softie at times. This trait also doubles with being a conformist, for she may believe a new unfair/unjust rule to be fair and just, believing that it's purpose of creation is a good one. She can sometimes take the words of others more than she should.

-  Provocative : Despite her usual mellow, and naive attitude, Cardinal isn't always the soft, happy she-cat. Sometimes, she just can't help herself and she deliberately provokes others and uses her smooth words to either fix the problem, twist the anger to her advantage, or simply fuel the fire depending on her goal. This isn't always best for her more mellow, calmer attitude slows her at fighting some more, and so she can't always defend herself from the trouble she's put herself in.


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