Aléjandro De Wolfe



5 years, 7 months ago


  • Full Name: Alejandro De Wolfe
  • Nickname: Alé
  • Age: 23
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 163lbs
  • Body Type: Mesomorph 
  • Occupation: Hitman
  • Looking at Alejandro, you would not see someone who could overpower… anyone. However, hidden under the ‘baby fat’ is quite a lot of muscle, understandable given that his preferred methods of killing are more hands on – repeated brass knuckles to the head being a personal favorite, if the situation allows it. Additionally, he can be hired for non-murder reasons. Warning beatings are a common job of his, though not as frequent as actual killings. 
  • The only rule Alé has when it comes to hiring him is that his client be absolutely certain of their choice. For this reason, there is a 72 hour minimum wait period between the moment he is officially hired and when he will even think about going after his target. However, this means some killings may come across as having somewhat silly reasons; one such time was when he killed someone for buying the last of his clients favorite muffins from the cafe. The client was very passionate about the situation. 
  • Okay technically he has more rules, such as he will not kill kids who are too young to know better - 16 years old is generally the youngest he will kill and that’s very rare. Only truly evil kids would die by his hand.
  • Alé is not a people person, and for this reason his sister, Zoé, handles the more administrative side of the business. Alé really has zero sense of time or any ounce of tact. Before she started helping, he would lose clients left and right due to his abrasive nature and lack of punctuality.