$10 Wanderer



5 years, 6 months ago


Me? Oh I've been here a long time.
Dead Cells Fan Character
a hopeless but accepted fate

Name: Goes by Wanderer
Age: Even she's lost count.
Skill: Terrifyingly advanced, if anyone else was around there would be rumors and tales of the thousands of souls haunting her in jars.

Value: $15
Game: Dead Cells

"...a little too long for my preference"

  • I'll write something here soon im still working on it
  • Mauris dapibus eleifend arcu, in ornare est laoreet non.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
  • Sed efficitur nunc enim, sit amet convallis arcu porta sed. Maecenas accumsan lectus eget nunc varius egestas.
  • Proin semper libero non leo maximus fringilla.
  • Nullam scelerisque orci suscipit nunc venenatis facilisis. Duis eget urna vulputate augue mattis dictum. Morbi suscipit ac urna ac posuere.

"Sit down and talk, we have eternity"

A prisoner sanctioned in the Slumbering Sanctuary. A curious creature who had her run, over and over, more than enough. Her fire and hope slowly died out over time, her excitement with the fight has lingered but just a touch, . She can still be found selling with the merchant and camping out in quiet corners. She's a warm face when you bump into her. It's rare you find someone else from your side of the spectrum, so it's a pleasure you always seem to meet up on the same alley. You can tell she's tired, but at least she still remembers why all those souls are in her collection.

Music Box

"No matter how many times this place shifts, I always seem to run into you."