Tomo Shirikawa



5 years, 6 months ago



Name: Tomo Shirikawa

Age: 18

Height: 5'5"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: [Confidential]

Hair: Pale red/blonde

Eyes: Gold

Skin: Tan

Anomalies: N/A

Distinguishing Features: N/A

-Personal Information-

Positive Traits:

+ Good at chakra control

+ Light on his feet

+ Impeccable aim

Negative Traits:

- Anxious when not with Mizakane

- Timid

- Narcissistic

Personality Quirks:

~ Tends to worry about others and his sister more than himself

~ Laughs at everything

~ Calm most of the time

~ Very defensive

~ Cynical at times


< Singing

< Hanging out with Mizakane

< Sweets


> Storms

> Training

> Salty foods

Goals/Dreams: [Confidetial]

Work Ethic: 9/10

Loyalty: 8.5/10

Cooperation: 7/10

Attentiveness/Awareness: 7/10

-Ninja Info-

Clan: Shirikawa

Village: Sunagakure

Chakra Nature:

+ Earth Release | Fire Release | Wind Release

Signature Jutsu: Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet - After creating a mud source, the user creates a dragon-like head to shoot mud balls at an opponent. To be more threatening, the user can combine this technique with a fire technique to make the mud balls become searing hot.

Later on: Fire Release: Running Fire - This technique creates a stream of fire that can be manipulated into several forms (so far, rings of fire that runs on the ground or a circle of fire flying through the air) before striking the target. It can also be used in combination with Wind Release: Divine Wind to create a tornado of flames, or with Wind Release: Divine Mountain Wind to release a massive inferno.

Later later on: Wind Release: Sand Cloud Whirlwind - The user creates a dome-shaped sandstorm which surrounds the opponent and hinders it from escaping. During the technique's execution, the used sand particles collide against each other, thus creating electro-magnetic waves which place the trapped person under never-ending genjutsu in the form of characterless beings attacking with kunai. While the target is busy fending these illusions off, it is vulnerable for attacks from the outside.

Special Skills:

- Can take a hit like a boss

STATS - (Official Reference Material)

Ninjutsu: 4/5

Taijutsu: 3/5

Genjutsu: 2/5

Intelligence: 3/5

Strength: 4/5

Speed: 3.5/5

Stamina: 4/5

Hand Seals: 3.5/5

TOTAL: 27/40