Iron Shot



5 years, 10 months ago


Full Name: Iron Shot Goldin 

Nickname / Code Name: Shot. 

Gender: Male 

Species: Pony, unicorn 

Age: 39

Birthday: Unknown

Theme Song: None yet

Weapon of Choice: Hooves and magic 

Sexual Preference: Straight 

Family: Son: Sliver Bramble Goldin Late-wife: Dolly Swing Goldin

Spouse: Dolly Swing Goldin, deceased 

Children: Sliver Bramble 

Friends: Some town members and drinking buddies. But very few. 

Pets: None, he doesn't take care of any pets. 


            Hair: Dark dark brown 

            Eyes: Dark purple eyes

            Skin tone: Dark gray fur with darker markings on his hooves. 

            Height: 6'4

            Build: Strong, tall, intimidating 

            Birthmarks/Freckles/Scars: None

            Other: Box cutie mark

Fashion Sense / Dress Style: None

Personality: Rough, uncaring of others, rude, scary, easily angered 

Likes: Being alone, smoking, drinking, his magazines, news articles, sleep, relaxing on the job

Dislikes: Children, other people, know it all customers, loud nosies, someone interrupting his break and relax time. 

Strengths: He is overall just very muscular, giving him physical strength

Weaknesses: His anger. He has very bad anger problems, yelling at people,  threatening them, etc

Habits: None

Interests: Delivering packages for people, as long as they don't speak to him

Talents / Skills: He's great at sorting through packages and letters, being a job he deeply likes, being one of the only things he likes. 

Trades / Aspiration: Postage Pony

Background / History: When his son was younger, Iron Shot's wife died from a brain tumor. His anger grew, leading him to be physically and mentally abusive to Sliver Bramble and yelling at others. He doesn't like children, calling them noisy brats, hating animals too and over all being an unpleasant person to be around.

Brief History of School Experience: When he was in school, at Sliver Bramble's age  he was similar to him. He was top of the school, girls fawning over him, having this old sports jacket that he would wear all the time: the bad boy of the school. He met Dolly Spring there too. He now has that stuff hidden in the attic of their house, hating anything that reminds him of the good days, where he had Dolly.

Other / Other Facts: He is often nicer after he drinks, drinking making him mellow and more sad. Smoking doesn't do anything to him. It doesn't calm him down, make him happy, anything. It's just a habit he'll never break. Sliver Bramble hates it actually, telling him constantly how disgusting it is. 


           Art: Here and here -

            Writing: Work in progress, not posted

            Roleplay: NOPE