Dron Rai



8 years, 4 months ago


name: Dron Rai                                                                                      gender: cisMale

age: 26 years                                                Species: Darkrai - The Pitch Black Pokemon

occupation: Technology Company CEO//Sides as a computer teacher sometimes    


theme: Where no one can look down on you

sexuality: Bisexual // Biromantic                                    status: Single pringle gotta mingle



     For starters, the guy has a major sarcasm problem. Nearly everything hs says comes off sarcastic and rude, though most of the times, he fully intends for it to be sarcastic and rude. He's not the most empathetic person, so hes not necessarily the guy you should visit if you're in an emotional wreck of a state. Since being disowned, Dron has been an extremely bitter person. He only seems to have one expression, which is his look of "talk to me and i'll gut you". He's not the nicest guy on the block, and can be extremely hard to get along and work with due to his incredibly stubborn nature. Most days he rather work in absolute solitude then have someone breathing on his neck and pointing out what he should change with his work. He constantly comes off as extremely aggravated/irritated, even if you're just encountering him for the first time. He doesn't come off as the most approachable person either, making it seemingly impossible to discuss things with him as he always looks like he could slit your throat at any given moment. When it comes down to it though, the root cause is just the simple fact that he doesn't exactly understand his own, or others emotions that well. He's lonely. He's not that great at reading the situation, and he has an incredible struggle with articulating just how it is hes feeling. Deep down he does have a truly big heart, but hes got it under tight lock and key. Another way of putting it is he's just frightened. Scared to open up to anyone else and face more heart break. 


     With people hes more aquaintanced with however, he's slightly more open, and does his best not to be as rude to them as he is to most. He still has problems opening up to even his closest friends though, something he's struggled to overcome for a very long time now. He's very private about himself, even to those he considers most important. He's more relaxed when in the present of a friend, and in some ways, more empathetic and compassionate towards them, even if the expression on his face may not say it, his words and body language still do. 


     Overall, Dron has unfrtunately let the many hardships in his life, mold his personality and attitude towards certain things. He lets the bad things control the type of person he is, and if anything does his best to push back the good memories, because the fact that there are so little leave a bitter taste in his mouth, and an empty feeling in his bones.