Rhiannon the Gracious



5 years, 7 months ago


Rhiannon, the Gracious

"I hate to do this, but you are in my way."


Name || Rhiannon Magniluxa
Alias || the Gracious
Gender || Female
Age || 22
Species || Hybrid Inkdrian (Rare)
Item || Ribbon
Colors || █ #78E4FF | █ #78ACFF | █ #8178FF
Occupation || Queen of Mag Mell
Status || Uncertain.


Motherly and kind, for her young age Rhiannon is the best queen a queen could be.

...Right? Not that she's INSECURE about it or anything. Her kingdom is flourishing and her people love her so so what if she cracks down on enemies and rebellions with split-second reactions? It keeps them safe. They love it. The threats to the throne and princesses with red hair and near-white ink don't scare her. Nothing scares Rhiannon the Gracious, Queen of Mag Mell. You can't scare a girl like that.



➣ Description

As a Queen, Rhiannon of Mag Mell is regal, just, and one of the best mages in the lands. But she knows people think she's weak. Throw a teen into the role of a queen and their insecurities aren't just going to go away: they're going to get worse. She's gentle and kind and friendly and a mother figure to all, but that insecurity is still there and it writhes beneath the skin, ever present. If she loses this throne that she's spent her whole life going after, then what is she?

Rhiannon is charming and intelligent. For someone with her inexperience, she's quick-witted and knows how to rule to give her kingdom the kind of strength it really needs. She isn't afraid to put her own life on the line if it's for Mag Mell's benefit. She enjoys a good laugh, and can read a room with skill. Rhiannon knows how to steer conversations to her desire and take control of a tense situation. She isn't entirely honest or just, but does what she knows is best for those around her, even if it requires a little... unconvential methods.

But here, at last, is where her persona falls apart: her temper. Rhiannon is extremely sensitive. Her temper is fierce and hard to keep under control. She can bite her tongue and keep her shoulders stiff, but if a particularly good jab hits her, her dignified mask starts to crumble. Everyone's eyes are always on Rhiannon, and it digs deep into her skin. Rhiannon is prone to hasty decisions in her anger or ruthless rulings if she's taunted. She knows that people like Calliope are out there, and that every ruler of every other kingdom is older with plenty of experience that Rhiannon just can't have.

Rhiannon may be hasty and insecure, but she is a queen with a deep love for her people. Perhaps that's the most important thing a queen could be.

Likes ||
❤ Time alone
❤ Rain
❤ Spas
❤ Writing
Dislikes ||
✘ Being condescended to
✘ Hot days
✘ Calliope
✘ Most other rulers, honestly

➣ Quirks & Habits

  • Rhiannon's face is good at keeping cool, but you can always see her emotions in her eyes.

  • When stressed, she fidgets with her fingers and hands.

  • Every day, she has to read before she falls asleep, or she'll be restless all night.

  • Rhiannon rarely takes time for herself because it's easy for her to fall out of routine.



➣ Basics

Height || 5'10 Eyes || Gradient (light blue/blue/purple)
Build || Thin, tall. Waiflike. Hair Color || Gradient (light blue/blue/purple)
Ink Color || Yellow Hair Style || Long and swooping, with parted bangs.
Features || Rhiannon has wide, owlish eyes and delicate features. Her entire body is slim, even her bristles. Most notably, instead of a flower Rhiannon has a purple ribbon, which falls just below her bristle.

➣ Description

Rhiannon is a tall, waiflike, and regal inkdrian. She has delicate features and long limbs with a gentle expression and royal posture. Her ink is a smooth, bright yellow, and she has a pair of bristles on her head. Her hair is her bright light blue-blue-purple gradient and is long, falling almost to her feet, with bangs that part in the middle and fall to her chest. Instead of a plant, she has a purple ribbon tied just behind her bristles. She wears a short black dress with purple accents and has purple ribbons tied around her forearms. She often has a wistful but uncertain look.

➣ Aesthetic

Rhiannon does not like to seem unnecessarily fancy or drowning in fabric, and usually wears simple, understated dresses that remain regal. She seeks to keep a powerful image, and feels that dressing too boldly will make her seem weak and not able to take care of herself. She always wears some kind of purple accents to match her ribbon, and prefers dark colors.

➣ Important Notes

  • Rhiannon's ribbons don't bind her wrists together.



➣ Background

In the old days of Mag Mell, the ruling family was not the Magniluxas. Instead, it was a line of great Inkdrian warriors, kings and queens with steadfast hands and blistering speed. The mages were their servants, their priests, their most trusted. But never once did a mage become king. The lineage stayed passing from warrior to warrior, until mages began to worry that there would be no change and the kingdom would stagnate with its rulers brutality. The beautiful but harsh and brutal princess, Calliope, showed no signs of straying from her parents' path. So the mages did not murder her, for fear of being caught, and instead threw her out of their world into another. With no other relatives or possible royalty to take their place, the King and Queen chose the talented mage Rhys Magniluxa as their new successor.

So began the mighty rule of the Magniluxas.

Every Magniluxa was a talented and clever mage. Their strength grew as the line aged. Their kingdom became more and more powerful, too. But the Magniluxas weren't the kind that valued honesty and justness -- all that mattered was gain, for themselves or for their kingdom. They came, they saw, they conquered, whether it was righteous or not. And Mag Mell grew with its new rulers, until their great and powerful king and queen had a child: Rhiannon.

Rhiannon was a glorious prodegy. She was slim and frail, but her magical potential was unparalleled. She was the strongest of the Magniluxas. For that, her parents coddled her, keeping her close all day. She trained and trained and trained, and became a fighter with the skills of a dancer. She had more strength in her pinky finger than most had in their entire bodies. In the way of her ancestors, she was also put up with math and sciences and language and ettiquette. Her teachers lavished her with praise, as did her parents. Rhiannon was charming, intelligent, and deadly: the perfect combination. That didn't mean she had any friends... or enemies. Or that she knew anybody at all except her teachers, her servants, and her parents.

The real bane of Rhiannon's existence was the flu that came when she was just eighteen. Rhiannon fell ill, but recovered. Her parents were not so lucky and passed away. Rhiannon was crowned queen of Mag Mell too early, with an emptiness in her stomach.

And now, Rhiannon had to deal with... people. Not blind praise, but real people, whose words cut much harsher than she would have expected. As a barely eighteen-year-old ruler, she was widely looked down upon, and faced with scorn from almost everyone, even her own people, who had seen very little of her. Rhiannon had to be brutal, fast, sharp, and powerful in every way that her predecessors didn't need to be to prove herself. But it didn't matter how hard she tried or whatever strength she displayed: the eyes kept watching.

Really, they're always watching.

➣ Family

Rhiannon has practically no family... not anymore. She misses them. It'd be nice to have parents again.

➣ Important Moments

  • Rhiannon discovered her true magical potential at an extremely young age, around 5.

  • The Magniluxas tell Rhiannon about their true origins (banishing Calliope) at 16.

  • After keeping watch on the Nebula (where time runs slower), Rhiannon notices Calliope is still alive when Rhiannon is 21.

Powers and Abilities


Rhiannon is deft and skilled with her magic. She can use it as energy blasts or form it into whips and extremely strong shields. Out of these, she uses shields the most, as they're her strongest type of magic.


1381047?1511068635 ➣ CALLIOPE

Isn't it terrifying, to know the one thing that could destroy everything you've ever worked for is just out there, lurking? Calliope, the Distant Princess, is practically right outside Rhiannon's front door. The second she steps foot in Rhiannon's dimension... well, Rhiannon doesn't know what could happen. And she doesn't want to find out! That's why the Princess has to die after all. It's not Calliope's fault that she's a threat, but Rhiannon can't apologize for wanting her dead. If she loses the throne... she has nothing left. Calliope has everything.



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